***What Are You Smoking, November 2023?***

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Nov 14, 2020
Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am half way through this bowl of year 2014 Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a late '80s, early 90s small bend medium brown smooth, unbranded Nording pot with a couple small rusticated spots, an amber colored acrylic ferrule and tapered stem in the military mount style. That'll do it for me today.
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Earlier, I gave a brief description of this evening's feral dramas. Here's all that happened: Sam the Scamp showed up to eat. He mostly stays in the driveway now, unless I am with him. I gave him some dry food on a paper plate at the end of the deck, and he was eating until he saw Tomato the Brave staring at him. Sam grabbed the plate by his teeth, and scampered with it to the driveway. Unfortunately, he left most of the food behind except for three pieces. I scooped up the food and put it on his plate. Tomato chased him under my car. I grabbed Tomato, and put him in the house. Sam came back out to eat, and Daisy the Feral Princess copied Tomato’s action. I grabbed her with one arm, and Sam with the other. I put Daisy in the house, and Sam in front of his food. I stood with him while he ate in relative peace.

After that, I let Tomato and Daisy out, and Sam ran. I caught Sam, picked up the plate of food (it was a refill), and took him to the front porch. When I was walking to the back, I caught Daisy hiding in the bushes pretending she wasn’t going to go after Sam. I picked her up, and brought her back in the house. Right then, Abner the Eager showed up, and Tomato chased him under the deck. He was running from one end of the deck to the other as an act of intimidation. I took Tomato back in the house. Abner came out, and I fed him.

And if all of that wasn’t enough, an hour later, I saw Shy Stripesy at the door. I got some food, and when I opened the door, Tomato chased her away. I felt bad hearing her hiding in the backyard, and crying plaintively. Once again, I put Tomato inside the house for over a half hour, even though I knew Stripesy probably wouldn’t come back. She didn’t, and as of right now, she still hasn’t, the poor hungry little girl. Luckily, Molly Danger was in the bedroom, so she didn’t freak out. Sleepy Suzy watchfully kept her eyes on the ferals, but wasn’t upset enough to do anything about it.

Well, Shy Stripesy showed up at 2 a.m., but ran from me. I brought Tomato in the house, and I hope she comes back to eat the food I left her.




Nov 29, 2020
Newhaven England
I’ve been having a bowl of Erinmore in a Kaywoodie connoisseur and hanging out my bedroom window watching the hedgehogs eat the food I put out for them and making sure no foxes interrupted, the cats just glance at them and go about their business pretty nonplussed and they ignore the cats too. I’d have taken a picture but the flash would scare them and I want them to get accustomed to being back here before I do anything like that. Here’s Tuppence and WeeBay taking a nap together though. image.jpg
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