My last three smokes were a little substandard. Packed
very light...I guess I need to up my dry times too, which makes sense during the cold months. Though frankly, I don't know how much longer I can dry University Flake. I suppose I should look into an air fryer for Christmas. Seriously!
Going with a blend that hasn't failed me once: Sutliff Balkan Sobranie Orig. Mix Match in my Savinelli Bacco 321 bent author. No dry time necessary, and I won't go through a pint of lighter fluid trying to keep an ember going.
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, House finch, Northern flicker, White-crowned sparrow, Chipping sparrow, Dark-eyed junco, Oak titmouse, California towhee, and California thrasher.
Fribourg & Treyer Cut Blended Plug in a SmithHouse Bamboo AJ Dublin with coffee.
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Looks like you're stayin'. You're finishing your coffee. Yep...enjoyin' your coffee!
That scene was filed at Johnnie's coffee shop, at the corner of Fairfax and Wilshire. Not an active restaurant anymore, but I believe it is still standing, and used as film sets.
Forget about the f*&#ing toe!!