Another feral cat (Stripesy) showed up, and wanted attention as much as he wanted food, so I gave him a little of my time. I used to take care of his and his brother's dad (Stripes) until we found him a good home. Wish I could do the same for the sons, but one of them (Shy Stripesy) is probably too feral to change. It's taken a year to even get within a few feet of him, and even then, he hides under the outdoor lounge chair until I leave before he'll come out and eat. Stripesy is the opposite as he loves attention from me and m'lady.
A third of the way through this bowl of Edgeworth Ready Rubbed Match in a smooth straight brown circa WW2 Trapwell mountain laurel patent apple with a nickel band and a black tapered vulcanite stem. I'll finish the day with this smoke.