Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am a quarter of the way through this bowl of D&R Raccoon’s Friend in a pre-1980s straight dark brown Comoy's Sandblast 186 billiard with a black vulcanite tapered stem. Ice water and bergs is my drink. Working and listening to the Angels-Dodgers game.
Just finishing this bowl of 2015 D&R A.P. Rimboche in a 2018 smooth straight flame grain Basil Meadows Merchant Service "Bing" replica with an aluminum band and black ebonite stem. Time to do some snacking, and brew Community Coffee.
A third of the way through this bowl of D&R Windsail in a smooth straight dark brown family era “Canadian” by Sasieni with a black tapered vulcanite stem. Going back to work as I listen to Stevie Ray Vaughn.
As I enjoyed a bowl of Fred Hanna's Wilderness in my 1960s Sixten Ivarsson designed Stanwell 90 ball shaped freehand, with a saddle stem, I was brusquely booted from my Saturday ZOOM meeting, by my recalcitrant iPad. Luckily, I was at the end of the bowl and had spent a good time with my smokin' buds.
Now smoking year 2016 D&R Three Sails in an undated straight brush etched black Molina apple with a nickel band and a black tapered vulcanite stem. Taking a very short work break.
Good morning. We continue enjoying with. C&D Sansepolcro, in corn pipe Carolina Gent, and another irish coffee. Today the temperatures are falling, fortunately........21º
Headed out for my third trip around the neighborhood with a pipe this a.m.
It's about time to be able to hear a few awakening birds.
I've got a bowl of HH Burley flake (as happens with me, the more I smoke one burley blend for awhile, the more I like it.) in a likely 50's era MasterCraft Deluxe straight apple with a sterling silver band and lots of straight grain. A nice clencher, with a longish tapered stem.
Enjoyed a tasty Jazz apple, and my last smoke of the day is Wilke Peanut Butter in a 2016 quarter bend Royal Meerschaum fluted paneled brandy meer with a black, gold and cream swirl amber colored acrylic tapered stem. Going to finish cleaning a few estate pipes.
Old Dominion by Watch City Cigars, Old Gowrie, SG Best Brown, G.Hoggarth Dark Flake unscented, Eso Dorchester, Blairgowrie and bobs chocolate flake. A lot now. Never had it. Got 6 or 7 tins. Glad I love it! That and Old Gowrie really hit the spot.