Been preparing this post for a few days for reasons explained before. I've been simultaneously resetting a half dozen or so pipes, and analysing the results, and three month study of my pistol shooting activity. For those of you who haven't heard this before, I'm was as bad with a pistol as I'm good with a rifle. I know there are some other gunnies in this forum-within-a-forum, and will get what I'm talking about.
And my goal was to combine all of the above into one post and then settle down to normalcy, whatever that is. Here's the pic, and the explanation of all of this below, which you can avoid if you wish, because I'm perfectly aware of my penchant for verbosity.
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PIPES: Success in my resetting adventure. When these two pipes, the Mad Fiddler dedicated miniature Barrel on the left, and the genre-dedicated miniature Seafarer (both McQueens) went a bit off, I "reset" them with SM Whiskey, my go-to for breaking in. Then had a couple of good smokes, and they are now functioning as well as they ever did. I was not surprised at the Barrel which always was superstellar with
MF. But the real surprise was how good
Pirate Kake tasted in the Seafarer. I was also pleased that, in spite of their interior bowl dimensions of 3/4" deep and 14mm in diameter, like, tiny - I was able to get a full 35+ minutes of smoking out of both of them. Thanks to all in the forum who helped me out in this regard.
The other stuff in the picture, especially the 10-shot target 10 yard target, is what has been consuming me for the past couple of months . . . first my problem. I'm virtually blind in my right eye, and my left eye ain't so hot. I'm very nearsighted and have to wear glasses. Now, if I shoot with iron sights, I have to wear my readers to clearly see the sights at arms extension. Then the target is so blurry as to be useless. If I wear my distance glasses. I can't focus on the iron sights. The solution for the iron sights is to use a big target, partially pictured on the right. Then I can aim (with my readers) at the bottom of the blur 10 yards away. Works. Can hold a 1" group now on a regular basis with my Alpha Venturi. Good, but not medal stuff. And not sanctioned for competition.
Now look at the target on the left. Olympic Target, and USRA and CFA target as well. Shot 2 - handed, resting my elbows on the bench. I shoot these targets vertical rather than horizontal because I use a pellet-trap at 10 yards, and the aspect ratio of the target and trap allow me to, if I fold or cut the target into vertical strips, shoot 5 targets rather than 3 before I walk down and re-post fresh targets. Helps, believe me, a lot after 2-3 hours of shooting with a hernia.
If you can see the holes, there are 7 in the center bullseye, and 3 just outside. One of them would be a black because it touches, depending on the adjudicator, but the final result is very good for me at this point. Shot with my Crosman Silloute PCP, at 2600 psi. Used a scoped pistol at 10 yards, two-handed, elbow rest. Never too old to learn! Old dogs can be taught new tricks if they are willing to listen to those who know, eh?
I'll be mounting a red dot sight on the Crosman, for sure. It's a ne plus ultra tack driver as you can see. I know I have a red dot somewhere in the house, but you know what's gonna happen when I look for it, eh? Next on the list? Learning to shoot Olympic style with both my Alpha Venturi and Crossman. I'll keep y'all posted lol, but only occasionally.