Trying out Smoker's Pride Whiskey in a Country Gentleman cob tonight before bed.
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With the demise of Sutliff my old favorite whiskey aromatic Super Value Bourbon Whiskey is no more, and knowing from experience that the whiskey topping on that one all evaporates off about a year after the production date there didn't seem to be much point in trying to stock up on it, so I've been hunting around trying to find a suitable replacement for it.
Most whiskey flavored aromatics are way too subtle for my liking, but this one is actually surprisingly good. It doesn't slap you in the face with whiskey quite like the Super Value did, but it definitely leaves a pleasant and very obvious whiskey flavor lingering on the tongue; and it's a lot smoother of a blend and much more gentle on the sinuses when retrohaled than Super Value's Bourbon Whiskey ever was. It's also vastly better than the current version of Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey, which to my palate has no discernable whiskey flavor it all, and beats the pants off the Peter Stokkebye whiskey blends too.
I'll have to keep smoking it for a few awhile and see how I feel about it in the long run, but my initial impression of Smoker's Pride Whiskey is very positive and I think it's the best whiskey flavored blend I've tried thus far that's still in production. It always surprises me when a cheapo economy tobacco blend ends up being better than the boutique stuff, but I do believe this is one of those cases.