Great post imho. SP Whiskey is in my top 5 list.
It's a terrific mixer, too. Try adding a touch of Lat to it, and you'll get a very serviceable English. I smoke this often. A 7:1 mix of W to L also slows the burning rate down. Add some black cavendish and it's as good as any basic English on the market.
Thank ye kindly! There's definitely an odd feeling to finding so much enjoyment from a blend that comes in a big 12 oz bag for $25 that you can probably find in most local tobacco stores, since as folks who are deeper than most into the pipe smoking hobby there's a tendency to scoff at budget priced commonly available blends and chase after rare and expensive tins, but I can't deny that Smoker's Pride Whiskey is actually really good! Much better than any of the boutique whiskey flavored blends I've tried, in fact. Low price doesn't always mean low quality.
As another case in point,
@NookersTheCat will be pleased to know that I just finished trying Lane TK-6 for the first time (in a Country Gentleman cob) while taking a leisurely hour long walk with the pooch.
The pipe:
The pooch:
I should preface my thoughts on Lane TK-6 by saying that I've heard many folks say it's very similar to Cult Blood Red Moon, and I've smoked more Cult Blood Red Moon than any other blend. It was the first pipe tobacco I smoked when I took up the hobby 3 years ago and I've since smoked through 3 tins of it, which for me is quite a lot since I almost never buy a second tin of any blend. I actually just finished my third tin of it a couple weeks ago. So, it's a blend I'm pretty intimately familiar with.
Taking that into account, if someone handed me a pipe full of Lane TK-6 and told me to smoke it and guess what blend it was I would tell them with absolute confidence, "Oh, that's super easy! This is Cult Blood Red Moon!" It looks like Blood Red Moon, it smells like it, tastes like it, and smokes like it.
Knowing however that what I was smoking was not Cult Blood Red Moon, I spent an hour slowly sipping on the pipe evaluating every little nuance of the flavor and topping strength, the mouth feel of the smoke, the retrohale, and the burn characteristics of the blend and the only difference I could find between Lane TK-6 and Cult Blood Red Moon was... was... honestly, I've got nothing. As far as I can tell this is the exact same blend!
That's no bad thing though, since Cult Blood Red Moon is a marvelous blend but rather expensive and often out of stock; and Lane TK-6 is $46 a pound and available year round. I suppose it's just another case of tobacco coming in a big bulk bag for a low price not meaning that it's low quality!