Late night with my old friends, Haunted Bookshop and the Dr. Grabow Lark.
I don't smoke Haunted Bookshop too often anymore, since it tends to really rough up my throat and sinuses, but aroma and flavor wise it really is my all time favorite burley blend. These days I usually smoke Pegasus instead, since removing the perique and replacing it with black canvendish makes it a much kinder and gentler blend on the throat and nostrils, but even though the canvendish is unsweetened I still find Pegasus to have a slight sweetness that I'd prefer it didn't have. Haunted Bookshop gets that dark, musty burley flavor perfect in my book, it's just a shame that it's a little rough on the olfactory bits so I can't smoke it very often. Maybe I'll give Old Joe Krantz Blue a try next, to see if it's similar to Haunted Bookshop and Pegasus but without the condimental perique or black canvendish.