Smoking some Pegasus in a Missouri pride corn cob with coffee and cream
The Stokkebye Amsterdam Shag was the first halfzware I ever had, and it remained my favorite throughout my days of hand rolling. Every once in a while a puff of a blend heavy with Dark-Fired Kentucky will remind me of those roll-ups, though I feel I get more flavor now as opposed to when I inhaled the cigs. One of these days I should just buy a pouch and try it in a pipe.I caught that Ken Burns documentary on the bbc a while ago, bloody good. Rather like this PS Kentucky Maroon. Ahh Kentucky, reminds me of a good Dutch Halfzware rolling tobacco. Got it in a Legend this time.
I will put up the full instructions later today.How are you stoving it? I have plenty to experiment/sacrifice with.
I will post the full instructions later today. @hoosierpipeguy can attest, it’s very tasty.Yes, thanks for asking. I don’t love this fresh, but the older stuff I have, 2 years is better... I assume aging or maybe stoving does wonders. Inquiring minds want to know.