Thank you, I’ve found that salt takes care of that particular sort of ghost without leaving another of a strong sweetener that can be as hard to shake. I’m not worried. Yet.That is such a cool pipe. I’ve never seen an alligator Longchamp. Hope you get it sanitized so that it will smoke as well as it looks.
Bloody well played, brilliant game. ???We are! Great improvement compared to the first game! ??
Pipe to the game is a Camphausen
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Man, my wife has a ton of cups, bowls, etc just like the one in your picture. I asked her why we needed stuff with words on it. She said “it’s cute.” I was drinking my coffee the other morning and I looked at my cup, and it had “hot mamma” written on it. ?Temple Bar in a Sasieni Claret billiard. Coffee
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Its going to be freakin hot today! 116 I think! Thursday’s drive on the freeway art 2:00 in the afternoon
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