Finished work for the day, and am close to finishing this bowl of year 2017 Esoterica Dorchester in a straight smooth brown 1920s KBB Rocky Briar 1582 patent no.298978 with a B in a circle bulldog with a tapered black vulcanite stem.
Part way through this bowl of year 2012 Carter Hall in a black rusticated medium bend 2021 Peterson POTY 4AB No. 437/500 military mount with a silver cap and a tapered black vulcanite AB stem. I'll end the day with this smoke. Just fed Tomato the Brave and Abner the Eager, but had to stay with them to make sure Abner didn't try to push Tomato away from his food. Dunno where Daisy the Feral Princess is. She's usually here. Going to feed Sleepy Suzy and Molly Danger now.
Brief afternoon smoke of St Bruno flake folded in a Blakemar Briars UK Litchbruyer squat bulldog and a highball glass vodka enhanced with a pour of limesoda and some ice cubs
Haunted Bookshop in a Peterson 107 Donegal Rocky and some brisket & ribs in the Pit Boss.
(It's my turn to cook lunch for the other pastors... somehow it's always my turn in July and they always want Texas style BBQ)
Good day all! Starting with Reiner Professional in a Savinelli Autograph flame grain billiard with plataeu rim and flattened shank with matching saddle stem.