Received a tin of Sterling Flake today that had lost its vacuum seal. Instead of whining to the supplier and fist pounding, I decided to just start smoking it. My order of this blend, which I have never tried is an attempt to fill the hole that HH Old Dark Fired will leave, although I was able to get a final 14 ounces of that along with my order, promptly wrapped in parafilm and then again in metallic tape with a small 50g tin kept apart for this year's consumption. I have heard Sterling Flake often compared to Peterson's Irish Flake, which I will also try soon as well as some comparing it to HH Burley. Just packed it into a Mastro Geppetto paneled billiard and about to go sit on the fallen oak tree which nature has provided for me as a perfect smoking bench. I will give it some time before I make a proper assessment. The long flakes remind me of the presentation of Marlin Flake and definitely have a unique aroma, somewhere between Old Dark Fired, St. Bruno, but also picking up a definite anise quality, possibly in the topping. My favorite Rattray's blend is currently Old Gowrie, but we shall see where this one lands.