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May 1, 2024
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
First day of rotation for my newest morning tobacco, "Precipice Caribbean" which as I posted a few days ago, is the tobacco contained in my favourite cigar. Got the idea from a post on the same cigar tobacco in a pipe post from this thread. Talking about the smoke first, It was excellent, well past the point I thought it would be. A little harder edge than the cigar itself, but rich and full bodied. Burns a bit fast, but clean and not too hot. Leaves no dottle, just ash. Dumps out clean. Reminds me a bit of Smoker's Pride Whiskey tobacco, but fuller in taste. Smokes the same throughout, no flavour shift.

I used a loose two pack and got about 20 minutes in my Ropp 350 Estate, which has a bowl about the same size as my J07. I got over 30 minutes with the standard 3 pack milkshake draw in the trials.

Now let's talk money . . . . appropriate on this Robby Burns Day. 🤣

The contents of two cigars fills the jar totally, for the grand price of six bucks a jar. 1/4the price of a jar of SWR and about 1/8 the price per jar of Mad Fiddler or Black Frigate, both favourites and both protected stock because of our obscene duties. MF has been moved to the afternoon in the same approximate time slot as BF and a few other great tobaccos which I have good quantities of. So, with the demise of Bengal Slices, the other member of the big three, I will now be able to fork out the $350 bucks or so with duty, for a couple of tins of each for my birthday present to myself in April. These are not available in Canada, but I can get a few of my other favourites like SWR or Borkum Riff Dark from the Mohawk Reserve store at about $30 a pack, or C&D Bourbon Bleu or Sunday Picnic for $50 bucks a tin plus shipping. You've all heard this whine before, so I will not bring it up again unless I'm asked or someone is being an insufferable dork, or as they spell it in Quebec, dorque. (Kinda like that spelling better - more colorful)

In any case, a new and excellent weapon in the arsenal of madness, and it also goes great with cold coffee!



May 1, 2024
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada
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