Afternoon smokes, a couple of Home Rollies, one Smoker's Pride Classic, the other Smoker's Pride Whiskey. Both work very well in this format, last a good 15 minutes and taste very much like the tobacco in a pipe. Keepers. (best so far, though, is SWS, definite winner)
Also experimenting with tobacco stretchers. Will post on that later tonight. Maybe. Depends on how my backup computer behaves. It's a 32 bit Asus, running on Linux Debian lol. Love old technology. Should be okay; was last time. WhY? I'm an experimenter, and my intuition, which I often use more than my brain, tells me that my smokin' buddies in the US are going to face similar problems that we face up here and Oz faces in Kangarooland.
Oh yeah, as a final comment on Robby Burns Day, and as a ps for my hunting buddies, I've been informed by a good friend that one can make an acceptable haggis from a deer stomach. Venison does taste a bit like mutton, at least the ones up here! Will be trying this next year if I make it.