A whole morning spent discussing water leaks with the neighbours and Severn Trent Water. This row of 5 cottages has 2 separate mains water supplies, one put in around 1890 for the top 2 cottages up the hill, another supply pipe laid around 1920 for the 3 at the bottom of the hill (including mine). Right down by the road, is a spring-fed well which originally served all 5 (it would have been 150 yards hauling buckets uphill so you can see why the ones at the top opted for a mains water connection first). Water company says both pipes have leaks and it's our collective responsibility to fix. This is in dispute, and may run and run. Oh the pleasures of living in Merrie England. Meanwhile, a soothing pipe of Irish Flake in this GH Caword signature Dublin... Happy Monday, folks.