***What Are You Smoking, January 2023?***

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Dec 3, 2021
Bagshot Row, Hobbiton
I finally got to try some tobaccos from my post-christmas order ...
1/2 bowl of C&D Bright Virginias in the vauen bent egg ---- it tasted like every substitute product for quitting smoking I've ever had ! I should probably try it again to be fair. Probably will end up mixing this one.
1/2 bowl of Sutcliffe Match Nightcap ... wasn't what I was expecting and a bit dry. A bit stronger than I am used to ...
1/2 bowl of Autumn Evening ... best of the bunch but also dry but left a pleasant cherry chocolate after taste like black forest cake.


Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Now smoking Cobblestone Limited No. 2 Plum Rum in a medium bend fumed tan crackled year 2020 Ahmet Govem reverse calabash meerschaum with a military mount silver band and black acrylic stem. Going to post the review at TR in a little while. This blend goes on sale at Cup O'Joe's at midnight.
Ahmet Govem reverse calabash meer.jpg
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