Dan this is the pipe I used. It was Capstan Blue. I'm sure you would like it. I've never tried the yellow tin
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@Carol Nice pipe; is it a Markus Fohr clay?
Thanks for the tobacco recommendation; I like a nice Virginia in my clays.
One of the reviews on the Smokingpipes website states that Capstan Flake Yellow has a lemongrass flavour so it would definitely suit the King's clay.
A shame we couldn't meet for some of your homemade mead and some tobacco - in a clay of course
If I was in the Sealed Knot the Jamestown clays would be my chosen pipe.
I'm keeping the one I smoked at Nantwich (after I broke my Hardcastle clay while tipping the ash out) for re-enactments.
Might get some more from Smokingpipes - and something to smoke in them - if I was taking part in clay pipe era re-enactments.