Haunted Bookshop was also my first burley, and it kicked my ass the first time I smoked it. By the third time I smoked it, I was intrigued. And then a few more later, I was in love. Haunted Bookshop is a complicated mistress: strong and overbearing at first but fiercely loyal later. I guess all I'm trying to say is don't give up yet: I had a whole courtship process with this blend hahaha. I am now obsessed with HB.I just finished a bowl of Haunted Bookshelf in my MM General. This is my first burley blend and the nice hit was heavier than I expected. The room note was cigarette-ish. I am glad it was just an ounce I picked up at my B&M shop. The guy warned me that he was more straight Virginia guy. I may be that as well.
Smokey Joes? Or somewhere in Seattle proper?Just made it back to the smoking lounge after a long day in Seattle. Happy to be back to the baccy shelves.
Time for something strong and satisfying. Puccini in a Celebi deep lattice reverse calabash.
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