Posted a couple of times in other threads on this, my interim computer. Got my online job back, new installation of the latest and greatest Ubuntu distro. Not using it yet, just had an orientation session and took me about six hours to figure it out and get the setup to my liking. Looks good though. Still have to install VPNs on the new Brave Browser yet, and should be back to posting in this thread day after tomorrow.
What I'm using right now is glitchy and tomorrow is a directors meeting at the club. It's currently 26 degrees below zero outside. Like, winter has hit now. Been wet and sloppy snow so far, but it's back to normal.
I don't know what that translates into farenheight numbers, but it's cold out there. Hate the celcius/centimeter stuff. If God had wanted us to go metric, He'd have given Jesus 10 apostles.
Not going to do the picture thing with my smokes, but I've been puffing on cigars mostly, and just finished a bowl of Pirate Kake in a longstem McQueen. Wanted to taste an overdose of lat again, after reading and posting a picture on a couple of other posts, nah . . . . I'll wait until Tuesday.
The PK wasn't all that bad. Good smoke actually.

I've been off/on with respect to PK lately.