A dump of powder snow over night made for a magical, wondrous morning walk with Puff the dog. Now enjoying a bowl of ABf and Hh Bk in a 1964 251 root billiard.
Next time you could always try ODF flake. Richer, deeper flavor than the RR IMO, as is typical for such scenarios.
Huh note to self, I, a city boy, don’t know how to shovel lol4" of snowfall to shovel this morning while smoking my Peterson Pub pipe. My neighbor came across the road and said "I knew you were out ... I could smell your pipe !" (It was Peterson Nightcap --- the whole neighborhood can smell it ! ). He helped me shovel the front half of the driveway and then I went to help him shovel his driveway. Mine is flat; his is on a 15% grade. The roadplow left hardpack at the end of his which I made quick work of as I have been doing this for 50+ years and he is a transplanted city boy ! But ... he's a paramedic from NYC with experience in bullet wounds which may come in handy one day so ... fair trade. Besides he's just a great guy with a great family. And yes ... while we worked we discussed all those topics banned on forums !! I did brag a bit about shoveling out the end of the street during the Blizzard of '78 and 5-6 feet of snow... I may have neglected to mention that the street is twice as wide now but it wouldn't have added to the story () Relaxing with columbian coffee and light cream now. Hope you all had a great morning as well.
So cool to see a dad and his sons smoking together. I try to make it out to my folks as often as I can to share a bowl with my old man who got me smoking a pipe back in 2015.View attachment 368090
The boys were by this afternoon and I smoked (off camera) some Plum Pudding Special Reserve in a Peterson Christmas 306 2023. My oldest son is smoking Burley Morning Pipe in a Salvinelli Saint Nicholas 106 2024. My middle son is smoking a Southern Draw Cedrus. After being brutalized by low temps and a foot of snow in January, we were ready to hit it hard this weekend, with temps in the 50's.
I firmly believe there are no meerschaums that color as well as Tekin's.View attachment 368011
McConnell Black Flake for bowl two in the Tekin skater.