Well, didn't lay of and smoke a cigar . . . . went right back to the newly cleaned out and reset pipes, took out the
McQueen Barrel Rider and loaded it with
Mad Fiddler, and proceeded to do exactly what I didn't intend to do, and that's to smoke the reset pipes today. I'm not exactly strong in the virtue of patience. Forgot to clean out the stem with alcohol and let it rest for a day. It was filthy and for those of you who have dealt with wooden stems before, you know that they
must be cleaned thoroughly. Not exactly pleased with myself. Smoke was okay, but not what it should have been.
Kinda disgusted with myself so rather than go through self-abasement , I had a notepad handy and put my criticism of what I did a little impromptu sketch. 'Nuff said.

Might post tonight, might not.