Squadron Leader w/ Perique in a cob
Hand fill, if you're familiar with Peterson B42 (Darwin) shape, it's a bit larger than that, which is a substantial sized bowl. So it fills the hand very nicely. I like larger pipes for that very purpose. The chamber is medium width I guess you could say, so it handles pretty much any cut or blend style equally well. It's burning this Old Toby right now very nicely, and I'm getting amazing flavor out of it. And yes, always a cool smoke. The long shank and stem help out with that. The bowl heats up just enough for a comforting warmth in the hand.Maybe a modified volcano? I'd love to get my hands one of those. Lots of wood, a smallish bowl . . . I bet it fits the hand and smokes sweet and cool. Love it!
I like those!Well, project finished. Every pipe in this display, and 6 or 7 others I smoke regularly, has been smoked twice with Smokers' Pride Whiskey Tobacco, my go-to fodder for breaking in a pipe, and thoroughly cleaned out.
What brought this on was a couple very mediocre smokes in dedicated pipes, with my a few of my most favoured tobaccos, (Mad Fiddler, Black Frigate, and a couple of others that I know very well), enough to get the fact that something was not exactly right. The long stems were especially guilty, but not exclusively. They were simply clogged with slag, especially those in which heavy aromatics and latakia were dedicated to or smoked in. Whiskey burns fairly fast and hot, and cleans slag like a white tornado. You can actually hear the slag sizzling and being burned off in the bowl, and the cleanup was effective.
The nylon stems of the regular pipes clean easily, but long wooden stems accumulate a lot of residue, and after a couple of pipe cleaners were run through, I'll now run another soaked in brandy or alcohol for the final phase.
Kinda smoked out . . . . will probably only have a small evening pipe or cigars and chew for a day or two. Tongue feels blah, but no real tongue bite . . . . cold coffee and the apple cider vinegar drink I concocted, along with hypochlorus spray, has eliminated that condition for me, even with the amount of pipes I've smoked over the past week. Now to see what this day will bring . . . . .
Very elegant pipe. Understated in the very best classic manner.C&D Winchester in a Peterson Aran Smooth Nickel Mount X105 Billard with a cup of black tea.
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Thank you Gord. I concur.Very elegant pipe. Understated in the very best classic manner.