Shank in style of Emperor's new clothes?Surbrug Crystal Palace in a MM Tom Sawyer with my coffee this morning
View attachment 371889
So do I. Tidewater was the best duty station I ever had. If we’re ever back there at the same time the drinks are on me and we can enjoy a bowl of some choice tobacco.I miss Hampton Roads.
How's that? It came out that way when I tried to attach it from my phone.. Damn devicesShank in style of Emperor's new clothes?
You're a better man than I am..... I just cannot enjoy a pipe if I can't sit and be comfortable. Freezing temperatures, blowing wind on a day that's not sunny is not for me. Maybe my age has something to do with it. Outside, on a day where maybe a sweater at most is needed, in the sun is my smoking weather...... so I have not smoked in weeks now, but that will soon change. Enjoy !
How have you been enjoying cowboy coffee? Has it grown on you?CS Cowboy Coffee in a Grabow with coffee. View attachment 371902