Helped keep the mustang calm while wifey did some maintenance farrier work. One does not need to be a Madame Blavatsky to guess what activity I partook of simultaneously...
Peterson Sherlock Holmes in a Savinelli Porto Cervo 122 rusticated bent pot. Surprisingly, the room note did not go over well. One never knows how the olfactory workings of spouses will react. C'est la vie.
Bird report: California scrub-jay, Steller's jay, Dark-eyed junco, House finch, California towhee, Spotted towhee, American crow, Band-tailed pigeon, White-breasted nuthatch, White-crowned sparrow, Mountain chickadee, Northern flicker, Western bluebird, and California quail. Speaking of birds, chicken noodle soup awaits! Probably better than chickadee noodle soup, but that's just a wild guess.
Shabbat shalom!