Lane LL-7 in a Country Gentleman cob now.
I've tried six Lane blends at this point, and outside of Very Cherry they've all been rather same'y. 1-Q, RLP-6, LL-7, Captain Black Original, and Captain Black Dark are all super mellow and subdued Black Cavendish centered blends with more or less the same sweet and toasty not-quite-vanilla-but-sorta-similar-to-it top note. Of the bunch my favorite is Captain Black Original, since it seems to have the strongest and sweetest top note flavor and a surprisingly decent nicotine content, but they're all perfectly fine and inoffensive.
I like these sort of blends for late at night when I just want to relax and watch TV with a pipe and not have to pay any particular attention to how much nicotine I'm imbibing like I do with all the strong dark fired blends I smoke during the day.