Three bowls of Sutliff blending tobacco (515 RC-1, TS12, 507-S) in a series of Falcon bolws.
1. 50/50 Kentucky/Red Virginia
2. 50/50 Red Virginia/Stoved Virginia
3. 50/50 Stoved Virginia/Kentucky
Overall the Matured Red Virginia is by far the strongest flavor with a full citrus tang early in the bowl, dropping fullness quickly but staying present to the end.
I don't think Sutliff Kentucky is as full flavored as other sources of Dark Fired Burley, it is consistently earthy and smokey and just a bit savory, and still quickly turns bitter with fast puffing.
The Stoved Virginia didn't seem to contribute to the flavor, but it was dry enough I have to wonder if the flavor would be more pronounced with rehydration.