I am smoking a some of C&D "Mad Fiddler Flake". It is a surprisingly different taste from most Vapers that I really enjoy. The pipe I am using is a Lasse Skovgaard egg.
That’s too funny.Good morning! the unseasonably cool weather continues for a couple more days...momma turkey trilling in the yard with 7 or so little tiny chicks...and Burley Morning Pipe in the SMS Big Bent Lattice Meer with coffee. Quite pleasant!
View attachment 331627
Peterson Deluxe Navy Rolls in a Sav Dolimiti 311KS. View attachment 331631
Robert Louis StevensonAt last, across the weary faem,
Frae far, outlandish pairts I came.
On ilka side o' me I fand
Fresh tokens o' my native land.
Wi' whatna joy I hailed them a' -
The hilltaps standin' raw by raw,
The public house, the Hielan' birks,
And a' the bonny U.P. kirks!
But maistly thee, the bluid o' Scots,
Frae Maidenkirk to John o' Grots,
The king o' drinks, as I conceive it,
Talisker, Isla, or Glenlivet!
The color has already changed on it from what I remember.View attachment 331650
Haunted Bookshop in a Çelebi meerschaum.
The color has already changed on it from what I remember.