It has been my lifelong belief that human nature is immutable and unchanging.
It’s only by public education, that we can lift ourselves from peering out of our caves into the darkness and live as rational children of the Lord.
The current book I’m reading reinforces my belief that human beings do not change more than any I’ve read recently.
Its named Pale Rider, the author is Laura Spinney, published in 2017, and it about the 1918 Spanish Flu and how it changed the world.
In 1918, the Italian-Americans of New York, the Yupik of Alaska, and the Persians of Mashed had almost nothing in common except for a virus -- one that triggered the worst pandemic of modern times and had a decisive effect on twentieth-century history.The Spanish flu of 1918-1920 was one of the...
There is nothing new, under the sun.
In another century somebody will write a book about the Covid 19 epidemic that will read just about the same as Pale Rider.