If you are uneducated the best place to make money is in sales. You have to have a certain personality, you have to let rejection roll off your back and you have to understand that Buyers are Liars.
Some people have it in them to be great salesman who understand the harder you work, the luckier you get. Then there are the lazy bums who can't sell shit and you dump them. It is also up to a manager to train killer sales people. The guy who trained me in the car business, was an idiot I made him look like a fool and he was fired. My first Washington Birthday sale in the car business( it is the biggest day of the year and don't ask me wny.
I trained one week looking at brochures learning the guts of the cars. I come down stairs approached and older gentleman and sold him a car. That blew people away that my first customer I sold. Later the week was Washingtons birthday. My first time with the sale and I sold 7 cars, second place was 3 and was considered good. The managers, owner, everyone asked me how I did it. I just told them I am the best sales man they had ever seen and by April I was the number one sales man at a huge Dodge store. I would not work a store that didn't have trucks and used cars. Plows, Rack trucks Box truck all good money makers. What know one figured out was I was writing my own deals and never letting a manager near my customer.
My previous job was a mfg rep in the jewelry industry and I was used to working my own deals.
The lesson from this is that I was the hardest worker. I didn't do split shifts. I went bell to bell which was 9am-9pm. Saturday was 9am -6pm and Sunday was 12-5.
I rarely took time off as I had expensive habits and I needed lots of money. I had nice suits and ties and shoes and jewelry. Those were fun days and I made serious coin for those times. Anyone can make a good life if they are willing to do the work, pay attention and learn how to read people, you to can have success in sales.
Some people have it in them to be great salesman who understand the harder you work, the luckier you get. Then there are the lazy bums who can't sell shit and you dump them. It is also up to a manager to train killer sales people. The guy who trained me in the car business, was an idiot I made him look like a fool and he was fired. My first Washington Birthday sale in the car business( it is the biggest day of the year and don't ask me wny.
I trained one week looking at brochures learning the guts of the cars. I come down stairs approached and older gentleman and sold him a car. That blew people away that my first customer I sold. Later the week was Washingtons birthday. My first time with the sale and I sold 7 cars, second place was 3 and was considered good. The managers, owner, everyone asked me how I did it. I just told them I am the best sales man they had ever seen and by April I was the number one sales man at a huge Dodge store. I would not work a store that didn't have trucks and used cars. Plows, Rack trucks Box truck all good money makers. What know one figured out was I was writing my own deals and never letting a manager near my customer.
My previous job was a mfg rep in the jewelry industry and I was used to working my own deals.
The lesson from this is that I was the hardest worker. I didn't do split shifts. I went bell to bell which was 9am-9pm. Saturday was 9am -6pm and Sunday was 12-5.
I rarely took time off as I had expensive habits and I needed lots of money. I had nice suits and ties and shoes and jewelry. Those were fun days and I made serious coin for those times. Anyone can make a good life if they are willing to do the work, pay attention and learn how to read people, you to can have success in sales.