Underrated Factory Pipes / Brands

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Jun 26, 2016
Near Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I've often read statements like "my Grabow smokes just as well as my fancy pipes" and "this no name briar is one of my best smokers". While i think that pipe smoking is mostly cadence and up to the individual smoker, what pipe brands or makers are in your opinion, very underrated, or fantastic value for money?

Let's try to keep this to new pipes, as the smoking value of a good estate is a different subject altogether.


Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
Let's try to keep this to new pipes, as the smoking value of a good estate is a different subject altogether
You can get old Sasieni and other Brit Wood “seconds” for great deals if you pay attention.

If you go on Pipedia.com and search Sasieni, you’ll get a good start.

I know this strayed from you actual requirements, but thought I’d toss is out there


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 12, 2020
I definitely agree with the Grabow's and other reasonably priced pipes as being underrated, any pipe by any maker can be hit or miss. However, I do believe it is subjective of what's considered a 'great smoking' pipe.

One person says "My Peterson is the best pipe I own!".

Another says "Nothing is better than a cob!".

Who's right? Both of course.

That said, I like my Willard Dublin, Grabow's and prefer cobs, particularly the unfiltered.

So my vote is for corncob's and Dr. Grabow's.


Mar 25, 2016
Another vote for LaRocca. I never read the name here, but mine are plainly attractive, solid smokers.

Then there’s Lorenzo, Viking/Bjarne Viking, Butz-Choquin, Brebbia ... quite a few factory made, good looking, well drilled quality smoking tools. Brigham comes up once in a while, but not enough to my mind.

(Edited to add: ) Dr. Grabow may not be what it used to be, but for factory quickies you can buy at Walgreens and smoke nicely right out of the bubble-pack, they’re quite good and deserve the mentions here.


Can't Leave
May 7, 2012
Under $100, my goto is Stanwell. I especially like their inexpensive Vario line as everyday smokers. I'm pretty impressed with the Chacom pipe I recently purchased. Both Stanwell's and the Chacom required a little modifying of the stem airway in order for them to smoke the way I like but well worth the extra effort IMO.
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