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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I will make another recommendation if you are not opposed to an Estate pipe.
Jarl was a one man shop making handmade pipes in Denmark during the early days of the Danish Freehand explosion until 1980. These are from his "Ribbon" line.

what pretty and stately pipes those are. I'd feel sexier smoking one of those to be totally honest.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2020
Richmond VA. Vicinity.
Though a big fan of Peterson and highly recommend them, I recently purchased 2 Wessex sandblasted pipes that have proven to be exceptional smokers right out of the box. They are light for their size, drilled perfectly, and feature hand cut Cumberland stems. They can be found for under $80 which translates into a great value in my opinion.
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I have a black rusticated Wessex. Its my favorite pipe. Shaped sort of like a Calabash. Not with the over hang. It just flares toward the top. Its a bent as well. Trying to keep track of the shape names but some look similar.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2020
Richmond VA. Vicinity.
Thought I started at the beginning, but apparently I started on PG 2. So didn't see criteria as new pipes. Now I've read PG 1.

I have several new pipes. Not sure if it counts, but I have an unsmoked NOS Kaywoodie. Not one of those $100 deals on eBay. I got it for $40. Yes!!! I smoked it. It's wonderful.

I also have a couple Road towns. Not sure how well known they are? I discovered them through a post here. They both smoke great as well.

I mentioned my Wessex. I have an Aldo Velani, and an Ascorti (Asti Ascorti? or Ascorti Asti?). I bought a Rossi, gave it to my son. It was an rusticated Ohm Paul shape. Nothing was wrong with it, it smoked fine. My fingers were too big for the tobacco chamber so loading was difficult. My sons fingers are normal size. I have thick normal size hands with FAT fingers.

These may be classified as estate. I have a White Star I got from my mom after my dad passed. It looked as though it had only been smoked a handful of times. No cake. Same with his Italian basket pipe. They both smoke great. The White Star has amazing grain. The other is spot rusticated with beautiful grain showing where its not rusticated.

The rest are cleaned estate pipes. I want to get a new Falcon. I've read many love them. I'll post pictures later tonight.

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Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
I will make another recommendation if you are not opposed to an Estate pipe.
Jarl was a one man shop making handmade pipes in Denmark during the early days of the Danish Freehand explosion until 1980. These are from his "Ribbon" line.

I've only had one Jarl in my collection & gave it away to start a new smoker back in the 80s sometime. IIRR it was a good smoker. I may have to see if I can scuffle one up soon!
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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 5, 2020
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
I don't know if this counts for several reasons. But my recently repaired and now smokeable Rattray's is pretty incredible. If I understand they buy their pipes from others. If that's true who ever made that pipe might belong solidly on this list. It doesn't fight you to get a good smoke at all. It's an Old Perth. So if the rumors are true it would be incredible if someone knew who made it.
My eldest son has a Rattray's, recently he said he could fill it with whatsoever he wants even s** and it would taste super. It's his favourite pipe though a small part of the finnish has peeled off the shank one year after he purchased it. (an issue I heard of Peterson's before the brand was sold to S. Wilford). Rattray's is now owned by the German company 'Kopp & kohlhase' who are also the sole distributor for this brand worldwide and numerous other brands (Germany/ Europe). The pipes are made by various pipemakers not nesessarily in Scottland.☺. So if you have a "Perth edition" (before 1984) you are a lucky man.

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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
My eldest son has a Rattray's, recently he said he could fill it with whatsoever he wants even s** and it would taste super. It's his favourite pipe though a small part of the finnish has peeled off the shank one year after he purchased it. (an issue I heard of Peterson's before the brand was sold to S. Wilford). Rattray's is now owned by the German company 'Kopp & kohlhase' who are also the sole distributor for this brand worldwide and numerous other brands (Germany/ Europe). The pipes are made by various pipemakers not nesessarily in Scottland.☺. So if you have a "Perth edition" (before 1984) you are a lucky man.

I think it probably is more recent then that, but I really don't know. It was an unsmoked estate when I got it. Though I agree there does seem to be something about it that seems to work well with whatever. It's also a very comfortable pipe easy to clench easy to do everything but get an even light.
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Jul 8, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
I think Radice, especially their Rind line, provides an incredible value for any smoker. Yes, they are more expensive than some factory made pipes but, for just a bit more you will get a hand made, expertly drilled high quality pipe which you will have for decades. To top it off, they have an uncoated bowl. I have lots of Castellos, love them but know that their price point is, well, overly exuberant. I think that Radice pipes are very close in quality at a fraction of the price. I very frequently reach for a Radice these days and leave the Castellos in the rack.
A radice estate is even cheaper, although you lose the pleasure of breaking it in.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2020
Richmond VA. Vicinity.
Haven't read all, but I would go for Torben Dansk and Jirsa.

And if you are really into value for money, check out Mr Brog from Poland.

I have a Mr. Brog. I've yet to be able to smoke from it. It won't stay lit. Only smoke I get from it is when trying to light it. To me the stem looks unfinished. The hole near the tip isn't flared. That wouldn't explain why it won't stay lit. I tried 3-4 different tobaccos. Even dried it for 10-15 minutes. It won't stay lit. Only pipe I have that does it. Its a bulldog shape. Never heard of such a thing happening. Researched it, tried all the advice written. I can't get the damn thing to stay lit.

Nice pipe though. Gorgeous grain. Won't stay lit.


Apr 14, 2018
James Barber B-Line (Dunhill seconds) seem an inexplicably well-kept secret beyond the UK.

Disregarding the usual banter about corn cobs on here, in happier times I'd have suggested Missouri Meerschaum enthusiastically. Sadly, my recent experiences with their quality control discourage me.
I have around 20 or so B-Lines, they are my main smokers. At least 8 different variations on bulldog shaped pipes, and assorted other billiards, Zulus, straights and bents. Every single one is a beautiful smoker! Unfortunately, it seems JB can no longer send pipes out to the USA or Canada. :(
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