Top 3 Underrated Pipe Brands

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2017
My Top three underrated pipe brands would be these vintage brands

I like esoteric pipe shapes so first is Alpha of Israel. They made the classic pipe shapes, but also some very unique to them pipe shapes. I have had many in my collection and all where great smokers.

Second, From Italy Paolo Becker always well made construction and good smoking pipes.

Third, from Denmark Bari Wiking Very similar to Stanwell as far as shapes and finishes go. But better priced and all have been great pipes. as far as construction and smoke ability.

and last From America, My collection of old Kaywoodies all great smoking pipes and are readily available on the secondary market. I like them because they are priced right and many different variations available.

Also Missouri meerschaum Cobs An inexpensive great smoking pipe.

If I am outside doing yard-work for a length of time you will most likely see me smoking one of my corn-cobs.



Feb 21, 2013
I've had a Bari I received as a gift for about thirty five years, and it is a great pipe, a fine Danish factory pipe.



Apr 26, 2013
I am not sure that Paolo is underrated. Since I began smoking 5 short years ago, he has always been associated with top notch Italian pipes, like his father before him and his son after...
I agree with the Alpha pipes. I have seen some cool shaped Alphas. I haven't seen too many classic shaped ones. Those would be interesting.
Bari is the company, Wiking is the model, right? I have a really neat Wiking that needs to have the stem polished badly. I like it a lot, though. I've seen other models like Pearl, Don, and Amber.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2017
Wyfbane, how are ya?! I will never forget all the tins of Pike-Place tobacco you purchased at Smokey Joe's last July during our pipe meet up. LOl.

To answer your question Bari was started by the Nielson's Viggo and sons Kai & Jorgen. in the 1950's Vioggo

Then sold the company in 1978 to Van Eicken Tobaccos in Hamburg Germany. The Wiking pipes where rusticated or blasted. there was another line of smooth pipes called diamond series, if memory serves correct.

Alpha did make a few classical shapes like the Bulldog and Rhodesian. and I have seen some Doublins in the past.

As far as Becker is concerned, I should have said I prefer the Becker pipes made by Paulo and his father Fritz. from the early 1970's before the Becker & Musico partnership. I guess underrated is not a good description either.

What about Aldo_Velani? My Father used to smoke the hell out of those pipes. He had some of their Billiard pipes



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2017
I was just at my local tobacconist and I asked this question to several of gentlemen that where the there enjoying a smoke. One of the older fellows said that he has always liked Butz Choquin pipes.

I don't think I have ever ownd a pipe made in France.

And another fellow said that he loves his Itilan SerJacopo pipes and that he collects the Picta series pipes.

I do not know much about either brand I will have investigate these a little more.

And as the subject of Italian made pipes was being discussed one gentleman said that he has owned all the top Italian brands and that his pipes made by Luigi Viprati "Collection" series pipes where hands down the best.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 12, 2013
Ascorti would be #1 on my under rated brand. I bought my first one two months ago and loved it so much I quickly bought another. The other brand that I would put up next to Dunhill quality is Ardor. Not sure they are under rated but they are very high on my list.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 29, 2017
“Among Peterson shapes, I think the B11 brandy (available in various series) is overlooked by most. A fine ample bowl, a sitter, relatively light weight.”
I have a B11 and it is my favorite pipe



Oct 10, 2013
Kriswill is OVERrated. Terrible pipes. Don't buy them. If you see one you like, just look the other way. Nothing to see there. Uh uh. Nope.



Apr 26, 2013
Hi Jeffro!! I did horde all the Pike Place...
Hope your Turkey day is relaxing and fun.
Thank you for the info on Bari. I am woefully uninformed on Danish endeavors in general.
I agree! I love me some Fritz Becker pipes!
Dan: I will never buy a Kriswill pipe. Unless I do buy a Kriswill pipe.



Feb 21, 2013
barepipe, welcome aboard and congratulations for being the first hurrah for the Peterson B11 shape in the several years I've been recommending it. I'm glad to finally have a supportive testimonial from another member. I bought my first B11, actually two of them at once, about seven years ago, a Shannon and a Killarney ebony. Real work horse briars, and handsome in a reserved traditional way. I cannot remember a single gurgle from either mine.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
They use some of the best wood I have ever smoked. I have never smoked one that did not smoke cool as a cucumber. Once in a while you might get one where the stem is not great, but they smoke so great it is worth re stemming. I own over 20 of them and they never cease to amaze me know matter what type of tobacco I smoke in them.
Older Caminetto's from Radice and Ascorti:
These pipes smoke as good as any Italian pipe I have ever smoked. They are right up there with Castello. They have a nice open chamber 4.0-4.5 mm which produces a nice cool and dry smoke. They can be had for short money considering the quality of the smoke. I would own a dozen if they came with vulcanite stems, I dislike plastic in my old age.
I started with a Sav and still own it 20 years later. I still say for the money you will not find a better pipe for under 100.00. They smoke cool and dry. They are well constructed and they are consistent, unlike other brands in the price range.



Might Stick Around
Nov 9, 2012
Both have great workmanship.



Feb 21, 2013
I have more Sav's than any other brand. I like 'em all. I might mention the churchwarden 601, the Oscar Lucite prince KS, the Venere rusticated apple, and my one Hercules Oom-Paul/Hungarian. And a number of others.

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