If I can learn mandarin reasonably quickly I'd really like to spend some time in China while everything is cheap. Hopefully the virus doesn't get cured too fast.
When I read this I laughed so hard my pipe nearly flew out of my mouth. Well done!
What's the connection between the toilet paper frenzy and the coronavirus?
Damn, I never realized it but you’re right. Around here it’s bread and milk. Why the fuck bread and milk? Wipe your ass with bread and get sick on milk? Mix the two together and bake it?There is none.
It's just the unthinking public reacting irrationally. They have some notion that there may be supply chain problems in general...and toilet paper is their first impulse toward something to make them feel more secure. As long as they have plenty of TP they feel like they're still in the first world.
If there's ever any catastrophe on a large enough scale...and the shit ever really hits the fan for whatever reason...they won't need TP because they'll run out of food in a few days or less. That's when the Mad Max stuff really starts happening.
Several days without food in these huge cities and it'll be really, really ugly.