Tips for purchasing first pipe?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2012
Hello everyone,
I have been doing some basic research about pipe smoking over the last week or so, and I've inevitably reached the conclusion that I'd like to give it a try! I don't smoke cigarettes; I occasionally smoke cigars. I have family and friends who smoke cigs and cigars, but I decided I'd rather try a pipe instead. I've read through a variety of articles regarding tips, tricks, and advice for tobacco smoking - but I felt that creating a forum around my specific questions would be the most beneficial for me at this point.
So my first question is in regards to initially purchasing the pipe itself. It seems as if their are mixed feelings regarding what pipe to first buy and how much to even spend. Some say corn cob pipes are the definite way to go, while others seem to lean towards spending a bit more money to get a better quality pipe to start things off. I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I'm really not interested in a corn cob pipe at this point - I simply don't like the way they look. I was looking at cheap pipes online, and the Ozark Mountain pipes have an okay look to them and are relatively inexpensive...are they worth getting to as a sampler pipe?
And what is the reputation of Dr Grabow pipes? I actually really like the looks of some of the ones I located online, and I wouldn't be opposed to spending around $30 for a pipe. I particularly like the looks of the Omega style (, but I'm not sure if that's a valid option for a beginner pipe. The problem is that I can't seem to locate any tobacconist in my immediate region, so I may end up just purchasing everything online.
And finally - any tips for tobacco types/flavors to use for the first time? Keep in mind I have no experience in smoking a pipe. At this point, I'm hoping I might be able to get some constructive feedback that will help my first pipe smoking experience a positive one! Thanks! :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 25, 2012
I guess an answer to this would depend on what reasons you are in the hobby for. If you're doing it for the tobacco, and If you can get over the look, I'm sure most would agree to get a handful of cobs so you can get a feel for tobaccos and you can smoke the crap out of them with little to no rest in between. I don't think many would disagree that they're not the prettiest thing to look at, but I'd take an ugly pipe that smokes well over something aesthetically pleasing almost any day.
EDIT: Forgot to mention Mr. Brog pear wood pipes. Around $20 each and I have heard from many folks here that they are good smokers. Grab a few a get smoking! Welcome!



Part of the Furniture Now
I'm not a fan of the Ozark hardwoods, I have tried three of them and just didn't like the feel and smoke from them.

I do have a few Doc grabows they are both savoy style which is similar to the omega. they both make great hangers for a hands free smoke. the smooth one with the larger bowl started as a great smoke and only got better. the rusticated one is a bit smaller bowl and took a good bit of showing who's boss style breaking in before it started to smoke without gurgling and going out every third puff or so.

+1 on the Mr. Brogs I have two of his now and they are both excellent smokers.

another option for style without price and breaking in time is clay. although all my clays are from the elizabethan sampler from P&C, are pretty tiny, and the bowl gets red hot. their great for work because they hold like a cig and take about the same amount of time.

as far as tobacco goes a few of our sponsors have sampler packs of three or four 2 oz bags of different tobaccos so you can experiment that way to find what you like. Some of our members also smoke cigars so perhaps they would be able to help you translate cigar preferences to tobacco types.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2012
Awesome! Appreciate the feedback..and yea, I'll end up getting a corn cob pipe of some sort regardless of whether or not I get a Dr Grabow (or Mr Brog) pipe. Everything I've read online said that they are the best for testing out/getting a feel for tobacco flavors/types. But I figured I might as well try to find something that I like the looks of as well. I'm very eager to start up, but I don't want to rush into anything and then regret it later down the road - which is why I figured it'd be a good idea to create a forum topic! Anyways, thanks for the warm welcome! : )



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome aboard Bookn3rd5.
One thing to keep in mind (not only for your first pipe) but for the many you'll own over the years.

First and foremost: If you don't like the way it looks... you won't be happy with it.

Aesthetics is very important even in a $30 Dr. Graybow, or a $6 cob.



Part of the Furniture Now
Hey welcome to the smoking section. If your gonna go corncob I do recommend Missourri Meerschaum. Their gonna be much better than a cheapo chinese jobby.

and as long as your slumming it...this pack of ten costs about as much as a grabow. They are ugly and these were too ugly too sell normally so they sling em in a bag and sell em ten for thirty bucks. in all honesty I've bought two of these bags because they make great beater pipes. I think out of those twenty their were only like four that I had any issue with and it was easily fixable.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2012
Awesome! Yea Missouri Meerschaum is where I'll get the cc pipe from, and I appreciate the advice regarding the bundle of ugly pipes, lol. Are starter kits worth looking into, or should I just purchase the pipe and everything else separately? As an example, I'll link one listed on 4noggins ( Just not quite sure where to start or how big of a first step I should take at this point



Jun 27, 2012
Welcome to the forum!
Your going to get 194242 different opinions. Here's mine.
If your going to set a 30ish buck rule for yourself, check out estate pipes. Marty Pulver has some good deals sometimes around that price range. I think you'll get more for your money then you will with a new Grabow. I know estates are a whole new world to new smokers who may not have that much info under their belt. Which is why I would recommend guys like Marty, Viking Club Pipes and the sponsors on the left. You've got a better chance of the pipes being advertised accurately, cleaned, and they've got a decent rep as sellers.
If your set on a new pipe I'd personally choose Mr. Brog over a new Grabow. I have both and beyond the plastic stem on my Mr. Brog, I think it smokes really well considering it was $26. Too me it's a better smoker then my Grabow Omega.
If I had a time machine I would have bought fewer but higher quality pipes then I did in my first two months. $15 bucks here, $35 bucks there, $50 on an ebay pipe, all could have added up to very good estate.
Also as an aside, I'll mention to spend MORE time researching tobaccos then pipes. Figuring out types, styles, blends, packing techniques, etc is equally if not MORE important as your pipe is. The two very much go hand in hand.
Stick around and blow some smoke! This is a great place to learn from all different experiences.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2012
Bel Air, MD
My favorite "cheap" pipe is the Grabow Omega. Being that my family is from Sparta, North Carolina where the pipes are made and that pretty much every family member on my father's side worked in the factory at one point, I'm a bit partial to them. No, they're not a fancy Peterson or Dunhill, but they smoke just fine IMHO.
I would also second JoshWolfTree's suggestion of the Smokeable Seconds from Missouri Meerschaum. That's a helluva good deal for at least 10 cobs at only $30.00, and half the fun is not knowing which cobs you'll get until the bag arrives and you tear it open.



Part of the Furniture Now
Also as an aside, I'll mention to spend MORE time researching tobaccos then pipes. Figuring out types, styles, blends, packing techniques, etc is equally if not MORE important as your pipe is. The two very much go hand in hand.


put some time into figuring out tobaccos. if you can find a B&M and go there and try some stuff out. usually if they have the bulk jars they're offended if you don't fill at least one bowl of a house blend :D That way if you are checking out starter kits you can take a look at the tobacco at comes with for a kind of idea what your getting with the pipe.

A lot of folks will tell you the captain black isn't worth the tobacco they ruined to make it. but it's a matter of preference.

Are you looking for a sweeter more mild flavored Aromatic tobacco. (this is a lot of what people think with grandad at Christmas smoking a pipe)

Or are you looking for a more hard leathery tobacco that overpowers everything in the room with it's scent(Great with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning, or while your out working with your hands and getting up a sweat.)

Or are you looking for something nearer a cigar flavor

Are you planning on starting as a social only pipe smoker(when you happen to be getting together with family who smokes cigars)or more of a pipe or two a day smoker?



Jun 27, 2012
Now I want to spend your money...
I'm including things under $40. (bad rim) (beat up) (check the rest of the site too, he likes to hide stuff)
Keep an eye on Marty's page. I don't have a great collection but I picked up a well used Peterson XL315 for $35 bucks on his site. It's "Fillzilla" but it's 100% reliable and I always enjoy smoking it. (I almost bought this...I have an old Weber Rhodesian I stripped and sanded down and I love it)
Anyway, not declaring these "uber" but you could do worse in your set price range.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 25, 2012
First and foremost: If you don't like the way it looks... you won't be happy with it.

Aesthetics is very important even in a $30 Dr. Graybow, or a $6 cob
This is very true.
I suppose I may have spoke too soon or not clarified what I meant properly - looks is definitely one of the most important factors when it comes to finding a pipe that you love. I suppose what I meant is to focus on the actual smoking of the pipe if you're just starting out.



Can't Leave
Nov 1, 2012
Missouri Meerschaum cob , and Maybe a Brog or a Kaywoodie . PM me , ill send you a free starter pipe . I have a drawer full of woodies , portlands , and cobs I may never smoke . I already have my lineup of favorites , and I have been so blessed by other pipe smokers , ill pass one on to you . Ill also trow in a couple samples of tobacco . :puffpipe:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2012
I love the amount of feedback being provided! Very excellent. Maybe a better way of putting it is to ask you all what you would do if you were in my position? Should yield some interesting answers :)



May 4, 2011
I have family and friends who smoke cigs and cigars, but I decided I'd rather try a pipe instead.
You must be the brains of the family! :rofl:
If you can afford a Dr. Grabow, then you can afford a Wellington. I've had a both and the Weliington is a way better pipe for the money. I've heard nothing but good about Brogs for the price, though.
Other stuff you can do is 1. Wheedle another pipe smoker into gifting you a pipe (experienced guys will usually only gift pipes to a new smoker that they know will perform). 2. If you have ebaying skills you can get a better quality pipe in an estate pipe for $30 or $40. I just won a Hilson, an Preben Holm freehand and a Peterson (republic) Meerschaum, each for about $40. I reccommend pipestud, bruyerepipes and coopersark for sellers. I also like to snag old 1940s to 1960s Kaywoodies for $15 or $20 on the bay. You can get them in surprisingly good condition and they smoke better than a drugstore pipe that costs twice as much. 3. Save more money and get a really badass pipe instead of a lot of cheaper ones. you can get an excellent artisan pipe for around $150-$250.

Aug 14, 2012
Though some people love cobs, they are not the best possible smoke. You won't be able to enjoy the tobacco or get a good impression of pipesmoking with a lousy pipe. That rules out the cheap new briars as well. Understand this: cheap pipes are made from blocks not good enough to make expensive pipes. I can't really recommend a brand, not having tried them all, and not recently having found a good one for under $200. Peterson, Savinelli and Stanwell all have their fans, though Stanwells are not as good since they moved their manufacture to Italy.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 29, 2012
Hmmm, haven't actually heard much about Wellington pipes, will have to do a bit more research on them. So you're suggesting going for a Wellington over a Dr Grabow? I had my eye on the DG Freehand or Omega...but I like the looks of the Wellington Medium Smooth Billiard as well...any other opinions or experiences with Wellingtons would be appreciated :)



May 4, 2011
If the original plan was a Grabow, you'll be happier with the Wellington, but if you can spare an extra $22, get the Bjarne set. I have the exact Wellington from the set (bought it in my sleep, long story) and I like it. The Bjarne is a little better, though, and the bit is a fishtail style. The Wellington bit is similar to a Peterson P-Lip, which is fine, but a little unusual for some people.

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