I had the following experience with GLP's Gaslight: opened the tin and was met with a horrible amonia smell, overpowering even the Latakia.
I shredded a bowlful and proceeded to smoke it straight away in anticipation of a great smoke based on my tastes and the reviews I read. It was a terrible experience, the amonia smell was now amonia taste, overpowering everything. I could just taste some Latakia and nothing else, but I soldiered through the bowl and considered using it for blending.
A week later I opened the tin again and thankfully the amonia was very diminished, I shredded another bowlful but this time left it out for 30 minutes to dry out, loaded up and went to walk our dog. I had one of the best smokes in a while, I found it tastes along the lines of my beloved Nightcap but actually a bit sweeter, overall an amazing smoke. Now I am considering buying it bulk! Further to the blend's defense, most of the reviews do recommend a short drying time.