OK, on prices. You know the saying, "
everyone has their price?" So, I have a Becker scoop pipe that is my absolute favorite. I really don't want to sell it, but when I post pictures of it, I always get someone who asks me how much it would take for me to let it go.
What's my price? "For $3500, I could feel ok with letting my prized pipe go." So, having thought this out, I know my price... If I make an ebay post listing this pipe as $3500, I am not a gouger. Same for my tins of Aurora. I want to smoke them, and I want them badly.
What would it take for me to let one of those precious babies go? My price is even more. I want $250 for a tin of Aurora.
Is anyone going to take me up on it? Not many would, but like every seller has his price, a buy has his also. So, it might sell.
BTW, I was just kidding about selling my Aurora... unless you would give me $400... I'd consider it. :
