I am fed up with that sh**! Been smoking on and off since almost ten years now, mostly virginias and va/per. I just remembered why I always stop. I am fu***** fed up with the pipes gurgling and relighting and goo at the bottom of my pipes. I let the tobacco dry before smoking it, I smoke slow enough that my pipe is going out three four times per bowl, my pipes are clean, I don't clench, etc. I try to understand why it's always like that; watched a lot of videos and advice from smokers to other smokers... In vain... My pipes are Blatter and Blatter except one SMS Meeerschaum and one Big Ben.
Any advice are welcome but I doubt I will get it the right way anytime soon. Maybe I am just not made for that.
Best regards!
Any advice are welcome but I doubt I will get it the right way anytime soon. Maybe I am just not made for that.
Best regards!