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Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 8, 2021
Chicagoland area
I’d chip in my two cents, and posit you’re smoking too hot, which triggers your salivary glass dumping spittle through your stem.
Simple test if this is true, when you notice the gurgle, invert the stem (don’t get any on your clothes it stains like a sumabitch?). If alot of juice comes out, it’s your spittle; and either your salivary glands naturally overproduce, or the more likely scenario is your smoking too hot.
If it’s just a few drops, then the most likely culprit is tobacco moisture content.
If you require more than one pipe cleaner to sop it up while smoking, check the how the pipe is drilled, draught is most likely sitting above the bottom of the chamber instead of flush with.
If none of those possibilities jive with your experience, the next culprit is too tight a pack. The moisture of the tobacco on the bottom is releasing prematurely and the steam generated is sapping the ember causing the relights. (Improper packing is the most common problem pipers experience)
It’s just a matter of deducing what the cause of the problem is. Treat it as you would trouble shooting a car. You’ve done 50% of it already by diagnosing the problem, now just find the cause by testing then eliminating the likely culprits.


Jul 21, 2020
I'm a greedy smoker who puffs tough, live in a humid climate, don't always have the forethought to dry tobaccos out before smoke time, and I have a stable of cheap pipes, including many cobs. I get gurgles most the time. If it gets annoying or I'm feeling particular, I'll get a pipe cleaner and set it in there for a minute to soak up the moisture.

My cobs rarely gurgle, if ever. I think it's happened a couple times over the course of a year and a half of being a pipe fucking newbie.

Finally, when I finish a pipe with few relights, I notice the bowl is usually pretty warm to the touch and mister power puffer cheech n chong (me) has been too aggressive with enjoying the leaf. Those are the bowls that usually only last 30 minutes. A proper "average" bowl, relit a number of times, usually lasts me well over an hour.

Best of luck! The learning curve(s) at play is real.


Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 8, 2021
Chicagoland area
Also helps if you stick to one shape of pipe. A calabash smokes different than a Billiard, which smokes different than a Rhodesian etc. (*All of my over 70+ pipes are Pete Calabash 05, XL11, 305, XL315 save a Frank Thunder poker, and a Frank Thunder Bent Rhodesian I just commissioned.
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Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
I’m on a Cob kick right now. Only smoking my cobs for the remainder of this hot summer. Tonight I enjoyed a pleasant 50 minute smoke. Cobs gurgle??? Never. I don’t use filters (I like the open draw) and a pipe cleaner run through a cob mid bowl comes out dry or only slightly dampened.

Its normal to have relights. It’s normal not to be able to smoke all the way to the bottom. It’s normal for you to stop a bowl that has lost its flavor too. Load and light another. It’s supposed to be enjoyable.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 3, 2014
Giving up is for quiters. In all seriousness just take your time and slow down. Enjoy the smoke. I've had a couple of pipes that would develop a gurgle upon smoking. I've gotten rid of the cheaper ones but I have a one that has less gurgles than it did before. It really doesn't do it anymore. Now whether that means the briarwood was not dried throughout or what I dunno. Either way slow down and try to just focus on the experience and flavor, remembering all the techniques as you slip into smoke streams and dreams.
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Jun 25, 2021
Thank you very much! I think maybe you found my main problem! And let me ask you something else please: if my pipe goes out when I try the breathing technique maybe my pipe is packed too tight? I am not putting a lot of pressure but maybe I should pack it even looser?
I like to pack quite firmly and find that if I pack loosely the pipe will go out because there's very little connection between the strands of tobacco.
A few easy, light and gentle test draws while continually tamping down should get you the right balance.
Then light up and away you go.
I would also suggest trying the breathing technique without putting any tobacco in your pipe.
Just sit down for a while and get the feel for it.
Mar 1, 2014
I am fed up with that sh**! Been smoking on and off since almost ten years now, mostly virginias and va/per. I just remembered why I always stop. I am fu***** fed up with the pipes gurgling and relighting and goo at the bottom of my pipes. I let the tobacco dry before smoking it, I smoke slow enough that my pipe is going out three four times per bowl, my pipes are clean, I don't clench, etc. I try to understand why it's always like that; watched a lot of videos and advice from smokers to other smokers... In vain... My pipes are Blatter and Blatter except one SMS Meeerschaum and one Big Ben.

Any advice are welcome but I doubt I will get it the right way anytime soon. Maybe I am just not made for that.

Best regards!
I have every problem you describe.

#1 Pay careful attention to the burn characteristics of every tobacco. You have to give up on the idea that all blends work for all people.
Just about anything Shag cut burns very well.
Most Aromatics (Cavendish), Burleys, and Orientals usually burn well too.
If you really want to try smoking a flake rub it out thoroughly, or cube cut, or cube cut and rub it out.
Some types of leaf just do not burn no matter how many years the tobacco has been left out to dry, if something is definitely a slow burner blend it down to at least 50% with Shag.

#2 Run a pipecleaner through your pipe every 15 minutes (or as needed) to avoid gurgle. Lots of people do this but you don't always see people talking about it.
This is one of the main reasons why so many people refuse to own a pipe that won't easily pass a pipecleaner.

(Also I like to avoid dottle by loading the bottom of the pipe with Activated Charcoal: : Acurel LLC Economy Activated Filter Carbon Pellets, 3 Pound : Aquarium Filter Accessories : Pet Supplies -
It can be dusty, at first I washed a batch but now I just make sure to give a good blow into the pipe after loading the pellets and I haven't noticed any dust problems.)

#3 It helps to have a good lighter.
Enjoying yourself is more important than saving your pipes, I love using a single flame jet torch: 5.77US $ 35% OFF|HONEST Gas Lighter Lighters Smoking Accessories Blue Flame Butane Torch Lighter Cigarettes Lighter Gadgets For Men 2020 New|Cigarette Accessories| - AliExpress -
These models in particular still use a flint so they actually light consistently (I have over a dozen different Piezo Electric ignition lighters and none of them light consistently enough to be worth using).

For now order some of this stuff and start enjoying your pipes: The Tobacco Locator -

Low Country bulk isn't listed as Shag but it's one of those blends where people say it burns hot, which is a good sign.
I've been buying the Gawith Hoggarth shags but this looks like another good budget alternative.
Throw some Perique in with a bulk Shag and in six months you'll have a great VaPer.
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Feb 1, 2010
One other suggestion. Get a 4mm drill bit and open the air way in the briar a bit. Your odds of hurting the pipe opening the bowl if you are careful is minimal. If that helps, try opening one of the mouthpieces a little but GO SLOW and smaller. Opening the mouth pieces is much more prone to damage. Acrylic in particular is easy to break. You can get tapered drill bits from Vermont Briar/PIMO. I found with straight pipes, these files from Harbor Freight work well to smooth out the airway in the bits. To open curved bits, you have to straighten them so that may be out of reach.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 5, 2020
Any advice are welcome but I doubt I will get it the right way anytime soon. Maybe I am just not made for that.
Three pieces of advice / discoveries have helped me along my way:

1. Tobacco should be drier than you think and packed looser than you think. Thanks ChasingEmbers. With regard to drying, I use a coffee cup warmer. Takes about 7 minutes to get the tobacco to level I want it.
2. Don't overthink it. I think this key. As a cigar smoker, I never gave it a second thought if my cigar went out and I had to relight it. Approach the pipe the same way. Have to relight it? Don't think about it, just relight it. Bowl starts gurgling? Accept that bowl was simply shorter than others and pack another. However, on that last point. you might just try shooting a pipe cleaner down the stem once or twice a smoke to collect excess moisture.
3. 9MM filters. Cooler smokes, dryer smokes, no tongue burn. I know that some might say 9MM are a crutch for those who don't possess proper smoking technique. To them I would say, "So?" I got into the hobby because I love pipes and the taste of tobacco, not because I had a burning desire to develop perfect pipe smoking techniques.



Jul 8, 2021
Saint-Jerome, Qc, Canada
Three pieces of advice / discoveries have helped me along my way:

1. Tobacco should be drier than you think and packed looser than you think. Thanks ChasingEmbers. With regard to drying, I use a coffee cup warmer. Takes about 7 minutes to get the tobacco to level I want it.
2. Don't overthink it. I think this key. As a cigar smoker, I never gave it a second thought if my cigar went out and I had to relight it. Approach the pipe the same way. Have to relight it? Don't think about it, just relight it. Bowl starts gurgling? Accept that bowl was simply shorter than others and pack another. However, on that last point. you might just try shooting a pipe cleaner down the stem once or twice a smoke to collect excess moisture.
3. 9MM filters. Cooler smokes, dryer smokes, no tongue burn. I know that some might say 9MM are a crutch for those who don't possess proper smoking technique. To them I would say, "So?" I got into the hobby because I love pipes and the taste of tobacco, not because I had a burning desire to develop perfect pipe smoking techniques.

Thank you for the good advices! I think you are absolutely right; maybe I am overthinking!
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Jul 8, 2021
Saint-Jerome, Qc, Canada
After a lot of good advices, tips and tricks from all of you guys I have finally understood that I was packing too loose, I was puffing too fast and too hard (a lot too hard) and that my baccy was not dry enough. I think I've finally understood (almost, I have to keep practicing!) the breathing technique. My first smoke of the day was much sweeter, smoother, almost without any gurgle (at least not intense as what I was used to) and overall a lot more enjoyable. I will keep paying attention and practicing my packing and smoking technique. Thanks a lot to all of you for your kind help, it already changed a lot the positive way.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2019
If it gurgles, use a pipe cleaner (or careful flick of the wrist). Too much smoke/flames coming out of the bowl=need less fire. No smoke out the bitey end=need more fire. Don't overthink/force it. Enjoy. It will come together in time. Stick with it.