#502 and #503 English blends, TS-12 dark fired (awesome blender!), Revelation match is a good all day smoke, and Old Professor when I feel like an aro-English.
#507-C Virginia Slices
#507-S Stoved Virginia
#704 Spiced Rum
#707 Sweet Virginia
Match Victorian
Match Troost
Match Edgeworth
Match Original Balkan Sobranie
Lord Nelson, if you like richer English blends, and Mixture No. 79 if you have an appreciation of that fine old tobacco forward aromatic at a fine old price.
Forgot to mention their Burley Delight is good too and Zurich Delight is nice and sweet and will cause everyone around you to ask you if you're smoking a candy bar.
The only reason I stopped ordering these two is because I prefer WCC Deluxe Crumb Cut to the Burley Delight and I prefer GH&C American Delight to the Zurich Delight. Neither of these choices are exactly the same as what they're replacing but they scratch the same itch. Also, the Sutliff blends are less than half of what the others cost right now.