some favorites are, not necessarily in order of preference:
(1)507 C, a long standing Flake that hasn’t changed in 30+ years, originally made for and distributed by Consolidated Cigar by Orlick/STG, still is AFAIK. Ages very well, just a year or two makes a big difference
(2) 507 S
(3) 515 RC 1
I spread the above two out overnight, the slight greasy feeling dissipates, then I jar what I don’t smoke immediately. . i Like these mixed 50/50. When I get around to it i am going to try 40% each and 20% Picayune from DR.
(4) Match Victorian
(5) Match Big Ben (not as easy to find, I think it is very close to Murray era Dunhill London Mixture, which I consumed a lot of)
(6) Both Match Balkan Sobranies
(7) Heavy English, really more medium, another carryover from the old Consolidated Cigar days, this was the regular all day smoke of at least two shop owners I knew back in the 1980’s
Sutliff is a trade name that amalgamated several tobaccos sold by different companies as the industry “rationalized”. The aros that people seem to hate on include hangers on from the old Milton (not to be confused with Nat) Sherman line, which along with Lane, dominated the “shop jar” tobacco counters in the era when every indoor shopping mall had a pipe shop.
Sutliff has as much access to good leaf as anybody in the world. Some the market still pays them to ruin. ?