While I’ve been around a while and have a few items cellared, I has hoping to get your recommendations for non-latakia top-flight Oriental blends.
Virginias and Perique compliments are good, as is the possibity of some burley, Kentucky, or uncased cavendish. Not a real fan of fruity toppings.
In the past I’ve enjoyed C&Ds Oriental Silk, Three Friars, GLP Cairo, and a couple others.
The blends I have cellared all have quite a bit of age on them and are very rich.
So many blends have come out in the past decade that I thought it worth trying something different.
I don’t mind a nic hit, but something fresh, creamy and luscious sounds nice.
Thanks guys.
Virginias and Perique compliments are good, as is the possibity of some burley, Kentucky, or uncased cavendish. Not a real fan of fruity toppings.
In the past I’ve enjoyed C&Ds Oriental Silk, Three Friars, GLP Cairo, and a couple others.
The blends I have cellared all have quite a bit of age on them and are very rich.
So many blends have come out in the past decade that I thought it worth trying something different.
I don’t mind a nic hit, but something fresh, creamy and luscious sounds nice.
Thanks guys.