Sorry, I Just Don't Get It.

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Aug 21, 2014
This is the kind of art that speaks to me...especially when I'm hungry!

Pizza Art!

There's even a Woodsroad Pizza in the video!



Aug 28, 2013
As a musician I know that one of the most common tips from the masters is to find your own voice. As I stated earlier I see a consistent artistic vision through each piece, no matter how it is expressed. Cosmic has the same thing. It could be a tamper, pipe silver work or a pair of earrings. There is a consistent artistic vision. A personal voice. I'm still enough of a Thoreau to love that individual flair.



Feb 13, 2015
Objectively speaking, Guinness is better than all other beers. See? That was easy. (I'm very open-minded about the things I already like :D)



Apr 24, 2015
The conversation has evolved into a discussion about pizza and beer. I can't say that I'm not pleased. :puffy:



May 15, 2014
Please tell me how one beer may be objectively better than another.
It is made from beer ingredients (malted barley, hops, water, yeast) rather than money saving garbage like corn. Just as the average pizzeria has higher quality ingredients than Pizza Hut, American mega breweries like how little their beer costs to produce. You may like Budweiser but it was made to be dirt cheap during the recovery from prohibition and since people kept buying it, they never went back to making an all barley beer. Now as to the taste, that is completely subjective but I strongly believe ingredient quality can be measured from my experience running a restaurant. Ingredient quality is nothing when it comes to personal preference though. Cheap and nontraditional or not, many people like corn beer. I do not and I do not think it makes me more refined... if anything it costs me more money. Also there are many microbrews made with quality ingredients that I think suck. So judging ingredients may be a objective measurement but beyond that, it's not going to tell you what beer you like.



Aug 21, 2014
The conversation has evolved into a discussion about pizza and beer. I can't say that I'm not pleased.
In order for pizza to be refined to the level of being art it must be made from the finest ingredients such as fine Italian ham & only the best organically grown vegetables, and baked in a brick oven. Only then would a cold Budweiser swill taste good!




Jan 27, 2013
Great points on what is and is not art. $600????????
Michael, I agree with you.
But as I initially read this thread the same thoughts came to mind that Daiymo expressed about the emperor's new clothes. In my opinion, many a piece of has been sold to someone wanting to buy "culture" who had no more understanding of what they were buying than they did of Masoretic Text. The first time a guy took a blank canvas and gave it an interesting title was art, there after it was just plagiarism. If it has a big price tag it must be great stuff, right?
Did someone say, Pie, Pizza, Beer? Now that is evoking an emotional response in this fat boy!



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 10, 2015
Orson Welles - F for Fake



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Oh yeh, sure, there are idiots in every genre. But, I really doubt someone is buying a million dollar painting for the walls of their home. Maybe. Phhht, just like guys will spend $300 on half a pound of Esoterica on ebay. Or, spend a million on a 2,000 square foot home in California. Most art of today is very cheap. Believe me, my wife and I have shopped galleries from Florida to Jersey, mostly just for the fun of it. And, we rarely see anything priced more than a pipe. You guys must just be sensationalism in the media concerning art. And, most of those are foundations buying pieces with humanitarian value for museums.
I have a Picasso bullfighter piece I picked up for just a couple of hundred bucks. I dont go for investment pieces, just things I love. Who's to judge my hobbies? phhht, like I care what the emperor wears. No one sees whats in my home but me and my family. I'm not trying to impress. If anything, I'm more proud of how frugal my collecting is, and what I can get for very little.



Dec 14, 2013
It would seem that Homer Simpson wasn’t all that stupid when he decided to have a go at his first piece of ‘art’.

Which, when all is said and done, is simply this:

The true experience of art lies within a good beer and pizza. It may not say much to the public, and or art collectors, but then again... who gives a rat’s ass. ;)



Aug 28, 2013
That damned Rubik's cube has been such a huge influence on design in the last 40 years and I still can't solve the thing without tearing it apart.



Dec 14, 2013
That damned Rubik's cube has been such a huge influence on design in the last 40 years and I still can't solve the thing without tearing it apart.
I finally did it in ten minutes... spray paint. Bada bing, bada boom.
EDIT: Just noticed Cosmics post after I made mine. Great minds think alike. :wink:



Oct 26, 2012
Please tell me how one beer may be objectively better than another.
It is made from beer ingredients (malted barley, hops, water, yeast) rather than money saving garbage like corn
"many people like corn beer. I do not"
So therefore some people like garbage, which means we are speaking about taste preferences, which means this is all subjective.
[/quote] ingredient quality can be measured
Only if you start slapping numbers on it, otherwise it's purely subjective. I'm giving you grief here, somewhat tongue in cheek, only to point out that too much that is passed off as fact is really opinion. Nothing wrong with opinion, I enjoy reading other people's opinions. Why else would I hang around here? :wink:
edit:having trouble with the quote function,sorry


May 15, 2014
Well I would have to insist that the quality of ingredients can be measured in more ways than numeric values. :wink: But I had to bump for this video.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 4, 2013
As far as I see it, if someone created something with the intentions that it will be "art," that it will be viewed, and that it will cause a reaction, an emotional response (of any type) in those looking at it, it is art. If it makes you angry or frustrated, if it makes you think "who the hell would pay money for this piece of crap!?" then it is doing its job as art. Art fails when it does not affect viewers in any measurable way.
On the Mummert colored block pipes: Are they my style, do I want to own one or smoke one? No. I do think they're interesting, and if nobody pushes the envelope in what a pipe can look like, we won't see evolution and change. You may look at this and think, "where will THIS lead? No one is going to use this as inspiration!" and maybe they won't move forward from this, but it will probably influence someone to use parts of it, or it might influence a carver to use the spirit of it, the "a pipe can look any way I want it to look" aspect of it. A lot of fashion designers will submit really out-there clothing to shows, and though few people will buy those pieces, they will inspire the fashion world.
These aren't by far the wildest pipes I've seen. Look at Micoli's work. Or Bekler's crazier abstract meerschaums. Forst of all, they were weird. Second, people bought them and smoked them.

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