Smoking in the Home

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Nov 12, 2019
Cincinnati, OH
I smoke on the patio, on a walk, or (occasionally) in the car. Never in the house, other than to walk in and grab something with a pipe in my mouth. Tobacco smoke can be insidious, especially cigarette smoke but pipe smoke as well, and given that we are not planning on living in this house the rest of our lives I'd like to avoid the "smoker house" label when it comes time to sell.

Also, we both pay our fair share of the mortgage, and I don't think it would be very fair to her if I just sparked up in the house against her wishes. At some point in the future, in a "forever" home, I'll build a smoking room with a strong vent and an air filter. Until then, it's the patio for me (and hey, in Tucson that means pretty comfy smoking temps for much of the year).


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
In all of Mayberry, everyone was single... Andy, Barney, Aunt Bee, Everyone... except Otis, and he stayed drunk.

I dated my wife for 9 years before we decided to enter into matrimony. I had to make sure she wasn't faking the whole "tolerant of my smoking" thing. If she hadn't of been ok with it, she wouldn't have been ok with me, and that would have been a deal killer.
All I know, is that for me to be in a relationship with someone who is going to tell me how to live my life, she had better be a knock out who can really put out. puffy

So, either my congratulations or condolences, gentlemen.


Aug 20, 2013
I smoked pipes and cigars in the house, cigars for 5 and pipes for 15 years before my cat started wheezing. Then I went outside for a few months, but I never liked smoking outdoors. So I came back in and took up residence in the bathroom, which the cat appreciated. Little did I know that the second-hand smoke was hurrying my quitting.

The smoke doesn't disintegrate on becoming invisible. It coats everything, including the walls, which it also yellows.

Those things notwithstanding, I liked smoking in the house. Those bowing to female pressure need to stand up for their rights. <joke> <joke>


Dec 9, 2016
Mayer AZ
We added a bathroom with a really nice big hot tub. Mrs. Cosmic told me that I couldn't smoke in there. So, I nodded, and just ignored the room. She started asking me to check on this or that in there, and I just nodded and avoided the room. She finally got all mad and asked me if I was going to do any of the repairs.
I pointed out that she had said that I can't smoke in there.
She was all, but you're always smoking.
I said "exactly" and walked away.

Needless to say I am writing you all from the hot tub while smoking my pipe.
Sometimes you have to let them think they are in charge for at least long enough to prove that they aren't. puffy
I hope she unties you soon.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Every house or condo I have ever owned I paid the mortgage. My house my rules. I smoke in my living room and in my bedroom. No one is going to tell me where I can and cannot smoke in my house, it is that simple.

I am currently not in a relationship so it is not an issue. The last relationship I was in was with a Japanese woman who was used to having the man in charge. The only thing I will do is smoke an aromatic that the girl finds pleasant.

Now I live with a live in caretaker and my youngest daughter. Both understand not to ever bitch and moan about what ever I feel like smoking so there are no issues.

edit: I forgot that when my mom comes over I will smoke something she likes. Her father was a pipe smoker so she was totally used it. I smoke an aromatic when she is over and she never complains.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Eventually we'll live in a place where I can make a smoking set up in the writing office. Until then outside it is. Two major reasons my girlfriend doesn't handle smoke at all. She'll get sinus infections if she's around it enough. And the kitty who has little tiny kitty lungs and doesn't need any smoke. Also I find smoking is best when I am moving around or doing something else that is not too distracting such as walking or writing.


Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
One of the reasons I smoke my pipes is for my health.
After the first 3 yrs, the second two using a hepa air cleaner, and smoking inside most of the time, I switched to ONLY outside pipesmoking. That was 3 yrs ago and I feel like the air I breathe is nice and clean. My own second hand smoke wasn't something I'd really considered for awhile in my enthusiasm for what was finally a means of tobacco enjoyment I could endorse.


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
Declare yourself a VICTIM! In today's society they always win. It's not your fault you smoke, it's Big Tobacco! She'll have to cave and you can smoke indoors!!

hahaha she would literally kick my ass. She’s very, very strong. I cower like a beaten dog before her.
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Sep 8, 2020
Northeast USA
Outside when it’s not freezing, then inside by an open slider. A small opening creates a draft like a chimney where most of the smoke flows outside. The house never has a lingering smell, but the furnace might kick on a few times ?
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