I started smoking pipes in the Spring, partly because I had more time on my hands, and partly because the weather was so nice and it gave me a good reason to be sitting outside in the back yard much of the day and night! It was fine, but my wife thought I spent too much time outdoors (I sometimes listened to music on over-the-ear headphones. I can't wear earbuds because my ear canals are too small). She felt I was to inaccessible!
Now that it's cold, the weather really cramps my style. I've started smoking in the living room. There's not really a better room to do it in, because aside from the bedrooms, our house doesn't have rooms where you can close a door - it's an open plan. My wife can't really complain because she smokes cigarettes (a LOT) in our bathroom.
Cigarette smoke nauseates me the moment I smell it (I've never smoked cigarettes or cigars; I smoked a pipe briefly when in college). But I don't complain. She liked the pipe smoke at first - it reminded her of her grandfather's pipesmoking. But now it's started to annoy her. I might have accidentally smoked some Latakia in the living room! She said it smells "perfumey" now.
Anyway, it's a combustible situation (ha-ha) right now. I end up sitting outside trying to bear freezing hands on days where it's almost possible to smoke outside. This morning it's a snowday, nice and relaxed. My wife is still asleep, and I'm in the living room, smoking some Peter Stokkebye 4th Gen. Morning Blend, a nice, mild smoke.
I want to find someone who can sit in the room and tell me how the room note is for all my tobaccos, because I really can't tell. Unfortunately, since tobacco reviews vary so widely, it's pretty hard to have faith in any of the ratings or comments on room note. "Pleasant to Barely Tolerable" doesn't help much!
I should probably enlist her to do that - makes sense, right? Well, it's complicated, but I'm happy this morning!
