As temperatures head below freezing I'll be trying out an air purifier, to see if it's possible to smoke a pipe indoors without making the place into a virtual ashtray.
The plan is to have my armchair a few feet from an opened window, with a small fan drawing smoke out, and have the air purifier running right next to the chair. I suspect that quickly disposing of the ash and cleaning the pipe might also be significant in terms of odor control.
I also have in mind those sprays that are supposed to neutralize burning/smoking odors. Maybe in combination with the air purifier it'll work out, but if it doesn't, I won't want to infuse my living space, clothing, and possessions with tobacco smoke. It would be like living in the smell of my own attachment; things could spiral downwards. I require at least the option of fresh air. It's one of the basics of life, like clean water. And maybe like a clean canvas for a painter or a fresh page for a writer.
If the air purifier scheme doesn't pan out, I'd rather wait until the seasons turn a favorable hand to the pipe, and maybe I'll occasionally brave the cold and huddle up by a tree or in an empty church doorway.