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Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
I'm not so sure. I think on low end knives people perceive it as better than the typical budget steels. With a very good heat treat it seems to punch above its weight.

VG-10 comes to mind. What other steels do you prefer in the low/mid range ?
Depends on the type of knife I guess. If we're talking fixed blades with "entry level" steels I look for 52100, 10xx, AEBL, 14c28n.

In folders, certainly, you see carbon steels less frequently.. especially these days. AEBL or NitroV are affordable and I'd personally prefer them to D2.
Now of course with that PM2 you're getting D2 from Crucible and you KNOW the HT is quality.
I guess really these days, knife consumers are spoiled by a glut of high speed, particle metallurgy AND more wide spread knowledge of heat treating cycles and what that means for carbide formation.

D2 is perfectly capable. In 2024 I just think it suffers from not being the hot new shit like it was 20 years ago.
8-12 years ago there were some Chinese manufacturers claiming D2 and it either wasn't, or was HT so poorly it was borderline Pakistani. That probably plays in to my knee jerk reaction when I hear "D2" anymore, even though I know better.

That said- I'm always looking for a PM2 in 52100. I missed out on that one and I can never seem to find one before it's swiped.
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Oct 26, 2012
In 2024 I just think it suffers from not being the hot new shit like it was 20 years ago.
The patent for D2 was filed in June of 1927. It's been the go to for almost 100 years. :LOL: But your point is well taken. We knife guys suffer from a glut of high end steels these days, Magnacut being the darling of the moment. I have Spyderco Mules in M398,AEBL and K294. I don't have enough time behind any of them to comment. All I know is the more I read about steels, the more confused I get.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 30, 2024
Bayfield, WI
Eh. IMO, getting knives made from specialty industrial steels intended for ultra-high speed CNC cutters in machinery that they REALLY don't want to service more than once a year is overrated and more marketing than anything. Plus, I'll just say: go look up what the "best result" heat treat schedule is for some of those (New Jersey Steel Baron has a very handy section of PDF format instructions) and ask yourself how realistic it is to do that for a knife priced less than a few thousand dollars.

Come over to bladesmiths forum and we can talk a lot (lot lot lot) more about knives and steels and metallurgy and such. It's actually a very similar feel to here, overall.
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Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
Eh. IMO, getting knives made from specialty industrial steels intended for ultra-high speed CNC cutters in machinery that they REALLY don't want to service more than once a year is overrated and more marketing than anything. Plus, I'll just say: go look up what the "best result" heat treat schedule is for some of those (New Jersey Steel Baron has a very handy section of PDF format instructions) and ask yourself how realistic it is to do that for a knife priced less than a few thousand dollars.

Come over to bladesmiths forum and we can talk a lot (lot lot lot) more about knives and steels and metallurgy and such. It's actually a very similar feel to here, overall.
I see a LOT of similarities between knife collecting and pipe collecting. It's wild.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 30, 2024
Bayfield, WI
True that! Makes sense in a lot of ways... type and quality of materials, construction, preparation, presentation, even storage! A good maker adds a sizeable multiplier (up through an insane amount) but there are lower-end craftsfolk who make a really good product at a fraction of the price.

Cigars, Knives, Tobacco, Pipes, even firearms (I love my custom match Kimber 1911 :) )... there are a lot of things in common if you step back and cross your eyes a bit.


Oct 26, 2012
ask yourself how realistic it is to do that for a knife priced less than a few thousand dollars.
I'm assuming you mean for an individual. I think for companies like Spyderco it's probably not a problem given their large vacuum ovens where they can precisely control the heat treat. Again, my assumptions are that of a largely uninformed consumer.
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Oct 16, 2019
Wyoming USA
My Old Timer I've had since 1977. It spent nine years in a toolbox in a coal mine and I get a little choked up thinking about the abuse it suffered. Just a wonder. The latest pickup is the Onion designed Karbon Buckhorn. BLADE Show 2024 Collaboration of the year in S35VN. Beautiful milling and hand feel. That illusion square pattern is tight.



Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
The copper scales on this PM2 are darkening nicely. Hoping it develops a deep patina in the years to come.
I reached for this knife last week and it slipped from my fingertips. It fell to the floor (seemingly in slow motion), bounced, opened, and hit again.
Galldurn Maxamet.. the reviews aren't wrong. A quarter inch section of the edge rolled and there's some micro chipping.

I've heard mixed reviews regarding sharpening mediums and their efficacy on Maxamet. I've used Shapton Glass stones for years and they've never had difficulty cutting any steel I've put them to.

I did my usual ascending sharpening protocol, up to just 1k grit.
After stropping I pulled out the loupe to inspect the edge.
The 1k stone gave a surprisingly good polish to the edge. The apex was straightened out.. but the chips remained.

I'm going to have to invest in some diamond stones if I'm to continue buying these ultra hard steels. Just as well, I've been contemplating picking up a few anyway. Thats life in the knife knut reality.



Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
Really enjoying the two Maxace I currently own.

Did you order your Medusa directly or was it a secondary market purchase?
I've considered ordering direct, and I've not heard any horror stories, except maybe the time it takes for the order to arrive.

How do you like the action? Overall impressions?
Can you make a short video of it?
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