Here are my five most reached for pipes, along with an up and coming honorable mention.
From the left, a Stanwell 185, my champion VaPer furnace.
A Karl Erik Ball, reserved for Black Frigate and Redburn.
A Viking Classic Dublin mostly fed Virginias
A BriarWorks Poker, assembled by Pete himself during my visit. Used for all manner of burley blends.
A Savinelli 111KS Roma. Along with The Thing, it handles the latakia blends.
In the back, the honorable mention, the Peterson Kinsdale Canadian I recently bought from BROBS. My first P-Lip and a fine smoker. I've not yet assigned it a genre.
I think I accidentally hit one of those weird focus settings on my phone for this shot. It made the Peterson seem fuzzy and distant. As the honorble mention, that seemed appropriate, so I left it...