I finally was able to win a author shape Silver Duke on ebay. These seem to be very much sought after pipes. It was in really bad shape but cleaned up satisfactorily.

Not entirely. Think of it like cars-- Dodge Coronet,Dodge Charger,Ford Mustang. Dodge and Ford are brand names, while Charger,Mustang and Coronet are model ( or line) names. Dr. Grabow is a brand and Viscount,Starfire,Golden Duke and a dozen (or two) others are models- or LINES.Hey james, so what exactly does the line refer to? The finish? Because I have some dukes that are dark walnut stained and some that are lighter. It seems most Riviera's (my fav) are dark stained, but I have some that are lighter as well. So does the line refer to the finish? If so I guess the finish changed frequently over the years for some lines? Because I've seen each lines with very different finishes
If you look at the charts Grabow never made that Grand Duke!! My guess would be that it is a "Lane era" pipe,during which a lot of weird Grabows were made. The color says top of the line Eldorado and while the Eldorado (most of them anyway) had the Ajustomatic they did not take a filter. Looks like they took a pipe that should have been a Golden or Silver Duke,finished it like an Eldorado--and stamped it Grand Duke.The Grand Duke has an Ajustomatic stem but accommodates a 6mm filter.
peteguy, all of the current Grabows except for the Royalton have ABS plastic stems as do most Grabows made from the mid-late 80's. Grabow started switching over to ABS in 1981 if I remember correctly. The Regals were the last line to use vulcanite.Do the current pipes use vilcanite stems? I saw one at the drug store and it looked more plastic. If not, when did they stop using vulcanite on the stems?