For fear of starting a new thread, as I've seen many on the subject, I thought I would finally get my shit together and properly label, inventory (, and show off what I've amassed in a few short months.
First is where I spend my time prepping the smoke and enjoying my hobby - a.k.a. the garage:
I keep my pipes in rotation based on what I feel like smoking and then put them away based on when I used them last. I reuse empty tins to keep ready-smoke bulk at hand and the Korean-made soup pot to dry out any that needs it.
And how I cellar:
The big white containers I got from Walmart and simply reversed the container label to further keep the light out. I store intact dated tins within and keep them in a corner of the guest room. The mason jars are in their original packages held in a few shoe boxes in my office. I've currently cellared just over 3.5 lbs. thankfully worth more than I've spent. That helps convince my wife it's an investment just as much as a hobby.
I've got 13 open tins that I've told myself I will smoke through/give away before I open/purchase more. We all know how that goes.