Should a Non Smoker Take up the Hobby?

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Mar 11, 2018
Enjoy the relaxing meditative qualities of pipes without all the smoke!


Bubble Pipe



Jan 31, 2011
I think people equate addiction with negatives, like meth or heroine, but really addiction isn't all that bad, as long as you aren't neglecting your other responsibilities.
True...but you're not supposed to be feeding an addiction without giving the pharmaceutical industry their cut. They'll eventually be the only legal nicotine dealers.
EDIT: and whatever god-awful toxins they add to it will be worse for you than pipe or cigar smoking...count on it.



Jan 31, 2011
Could you elucidate please? That's worrying.
Sorry, I forgot to add the requisite disclaimer, in my opinion.
It's just my perception of the pharmaceutical industry's "products" and track record in general, based on my interpretation of the available information on the subject.
But no need to find it worrisome, because I doubt hardly anyone else shares that view.
I do try to remember to add IMO, because disclaimers are important:



Dec 28, 2017
It's been 3 months since I've had a cigarette and I've had maybe 4 bowls of pipe tobacco. Though I may not be so deep into the "hobby" yet as others I can confidently say it isn't not anything like a cigarette in terms of addictive side effects. The only addiction I see with this is more so a shopping addiction. That can be a major drawback.
I don't think the health drawbacks are what the anti-tobacco companies paint them out to be besides the obvious cancers you increase the risk of getting. Pipe tobacco doesn't hurt my chest like cigarettes. So all in all I say yes, try a pipe if you have self control as an individual.



Oct 14, 2014
Just ordered 500gm box of dark plug and an ardor giant. Figure I can get a whole bar in the bowl. Gonna test out the whole addictive thing.



Jan 31, 2011
It seems apparent that not everyone defines addiction the same way. I would say I'm addicted to caffeine, because it would be somewhat painful and difficult to quit.
But I would not say I'm addicted to nicotine because I could quit it fairly easily...I would just much rather have it than not have it.
But even with caffeine, it would not be impossible to quit and it would not require a stay at Detox Mansion.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 17, 2014
My opinion is that life is too short to deny yourself what you enjoy and it's too short to do something you don't enjoy. Try it, if you enjoy it then do it as and when you please. If you don't then don't. It's my philosophy, though so it's hard to disagree with this:
Smoking is a purely selfish decision and attempting to throw the responsibility of your choice onto others is just ... well wrong and immature. Man up! Make your own choices! And, live with the consequences.
As for "herbal"... give me a break. If I had £1 for everytime someone had said this to me thinking they were being informed, wise and cautious I could afford a good night out in London. You're burning something and sucking the smoke into your mouth. It's SMOKING. It has risks and it's possible they are the same or higher than tobacco. Just use tobacco. That's what it's for. I can almost guarantee it will taste better. In my opinion, and that's all this is. If you're not smoking tobacco in your pipe it's just an affectation.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
Well, since the Surgeon General's report of 1964 showed statistically that pipe smokers live an average of two years LONGER than non-smokers, my answer would be YES.



Jan 31, 2011
Well, since the Surgeon General's report of 1964 showed statistically that pipe smokers live an average of two years LONGER than non-smokers, my answer would be YES.
I'm not sure that can be trusted though, because science in those days was more primitive in the sense that it tended to be biased in favor of the scientific method.
They hadn't yet learned the fine art of agenda-driven science that is widely practiced today.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
There are addictions and then there are addictions. With regard to caffeine, try this, stop all caffeine (coffee, tea, certain sodas, etc.) for three days. If you get a headache you are perhaps physically addicted. If you get testy (testier) or a bit out of sorts, you are perhaps psychologically addicted. If you try to throttle a co-worker, deservingly or not, you may be both.
With regard to comparing cigarettes v. pipes one also have to put into the mix other risky behavior. The study you refer to may be one of several insurance companies use which indicate the cigarette smoker, pipe smokers to a greatly lessor degree, engage in other risky behavior as well as smoking. Just a thought. Pipe smokers being, on average, older and therefore more risk averse. Damn! There are hundreds (thousands?) of variables in the mix when figuring rates be it auto insurance, life or medical.



Jul 10, 2018
Las Vegas
Should or shouldn't really isn't a question anyone else can answer.
If you do decide to take it up I would say to watch out for blends with especially strong nicotine content. I've smoked cigars for close to 30 years, strong ones at that, and was still knocked on my butt by a full bowl of Dreams of Kadath. I really enjoyed it but should've started with a half bowl.



Dec 6, 2012
Robinson, TX.
"Well, since the Surgeon General's report of 1964 showed statistically that pipe smokers live an average of two years LONGER than non-smokers, my answer would be YES." - Pipestud
"I'm not sure that can be trusted though, because science in those days was more primitive in the sense that it tended to be biased in favor of the scientific method. They hadn't yet learned the fine art of agenda-driven science that is widely practiced today." - brian64
Roger that, pardner, and an excellent point!



Jul 19, 2018
All I can say is that when I wasn't a pipe smoker, I was plain old asshole. Now, I'm more of a laid back asshole. That's better don't you think?



Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
"I'm not sure that can be trusted though, because science in those days was more primitive in the sense that it tended to be biased in favor of the scientific method. They hadn't yet learned the fine art of agenda-driven science that is widely practiced today." - brian64

Back in the days before 'peer reviewed' became 'pal reviewed'.



Might Stick Around
May 23, 2009
>>> Hi All.
I'm considering taking up the hobby of pipe smoking. I love the old world imagery of pipe smoking and the enforced 'downtime' that smoking a pipe creates.
However, I am a non smoker. I haven't always been though. I grew up in a smoking household and was a social smoker when out drinking with friends on and off for many years.Never got into cigar smoking (bad experiences from bad advice has turned me off them). I haven't touched a cigarette though for the last 3 years. Now I know that they add a whole bunch of nasty additives to cigarettes and pipe tobacco seems more 'pure'...
Basically, I'm interested in peoples opinions as to if I should take up the hobby.

Perhaps if there is any herbal (non tobacco, non marijuana based) mixes out there and If this would be any better starting point or not.
Thanks for any and all advice. >>>
Hi there. My name's John ... just thought I'd send a pm rather than posting a reply that might get me into trouble w/the other guys. ;-) Besides, I think a personal note can be a good way to welcome a newcomer.
Of course, as a guy who has loved and smoked pipes since my teens, I'm gonna say YES - go ahead and explore pipes and pipe tobacco. As a few people have mentioned, we all know the risks of using tobacco (and it's just unproductive to argue that smoking tobacco doesn't involve risks). I have almost never worried about the risks, though, because most of us enjoy the smoke without inhaling intensely. That's one of the reasons that I took up a pipe in the first place: I wanted to experience the taste, aroma, and ritual without getting hooked on nic. I also like the image of a pipe-smoking guy. Sometimes I don't smoke a pipe for a week or two at a time - no "withdrawl." Sometimes, I smoke 3-5 bowls a day, and with bad effects.
Here's what I usually share with guys who are interested in pipes but who hesitate for health and social reasons: For me, pipe smoking is a hobby and not a habit (not unlike drinking wine in moderation). I'm not a "smoker," and I'm not an alcoholic, either. Sometimes hard to get that point across to people, but I can and do enjoy smoking a pipe (and rare cigar) without "needing" to smoke. I've never touched cigarettes (never even tempted!). So ... based on my own experience and just about every other pipe guy I've ever known, you can pursue a pipe hobby and enjoy it without it becoming anything like a chemical addiction. I started smoking pipes when I was in high school and never regretted it. In college, I met other guys who also smoked pipes and made some friends with common interests. I've enjoyed the pipe brotherhood ever since. I hope you will, as well.
I don't know anything about herbal mixtures - can't offer any input there. I can recommend some excellent pipe tobacco blends for newcomers to the hobby. Ask if you're interested. ;-) Personally, I'd stick with quality tobacco: So many tasty and natural blends to choose from! I'd be glad to share my favorites with you, if you want to know. Enjoy the pleasure of the pipe, man!

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